What's their stock at currently?
Well, that is certainly one way to win the console war: economics!
It is unfortunate but I like that my console of choice has the solid foundation of a 5 billion-profit-every-3-months corporation.
kowenicki said:
Just saw this as well - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=811240
I see no problem. I don't have Sony stock, nor do i buy Sony products outside of PlayStation. I only care about PlayStation and the fact that the PS4 is doing so well is good news.
DerNebel said: People are going to have a field day with this.... Well it sucks, seriously, though I think they should have expected PC sales to go down when they announced that they are ditching the business, I wouldn't want to buy a PC from a brand that the manufacturer is getting rid off, gives the brand a slightly bad image. :D |
Does anyone else find it interesting how mostly MS fans post in a thread about Sony's (terrible) financial situation? Your concern is much appreciated.
naruball said: Does anyone else find it interesting how mostly MS fans post in a thread about Sony's (terrible) financial situation? Your concern is much appreciated. |
Because Sony fans are going to A) post here and B) be honest about the situation?
You just said it yourself moreorless, where are the Sony fans? and if not Microsoft fans then who? Are we not suppose to be interested in this topic?
It's fascinating to see any company struggle like this. Not good, but facsinating.
MaulerX said: So will this be the new thing now? Don't worry about Sony or how bad it does, because at the end of the day the japanese government will save them? |
Well, if America is anything to go by....yea, it my be a thing. Our auto and bank industry went down the toilet and lo and behold, the government bailed them out and now they're doing decent - good
BMaker11 said: Well, if America is anything to go by....yea, it my be a thing. Our auto and bank industry went down the toilet and lo and behold, the government bailed them out and now they're doing decent - good |
Banking and Auto are both incredibly necessary tho, not luxury products.
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