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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you think Kingdom Hearts should go to the Wii?

HarvestMoonGoddess said:
Kingdom Hearts was one of my favourite games for the PS2, and I'm only going to be getting a Wii so I hope it comes to it plus Wii has sold the most so it makes sense.

Wii has as good graphics as PS3 anyway.


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Would prefer PS3 as i don't want to have to buy a Wii...

I'd have to say PS3 since I don't care about the Wiimote controls and there could be better graphics. Also just for the lack of consistency.

Bodhesatva said:
HarvestMoonGoddess said:
Kingdom Hearts was one of my favourite games for the PS2, and I'm only going to be getting a Wii so I hope it comes to it plus Wii has sold the most so it makes sense.

Wii has as good graphics as PS3 anyway.


Cut her some slack, she's new, the poor girl has no idea what she's talking about...

They should test the market with their KH 1+2 pack, and if the sales are good and people like the control method, release the KH 3 on Wii as well...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

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chill man your taking this to seriously the only reason I want kh3 on the ps3 is because I will have a reason to buy a ps3 because MGS4,FFXIII and little big planet wont make me buy it.

So people just want it for the console they own? Makes sense to me. In a gamers view all game should go on their console because of what ever feature their console has so its better to look at it from a business standpoint and from a business standpoint it should come to the wii because of the large install base.


Soriku said:
blaydcor said:
How would the graphics not live up? That makes no sense, as the Wii is much more powerful than the PS2.

And controls. Do you have any idea how they would be implemented? No. Can you say for sure there would be no classic controller support, just in case you couldn't stand motion mapped controls? No.

I think KH would be awesome for the Wii. (BTW, I'll have a Wii and a PS3 within a month). Does it need HD graphics? Blu Ray discs? Hell no. Kingdom Hearts games are all about being fun, which seems to along with the Wii a lot better than the PS3. I've wanted KH for the Wii since before the Wii and PS3 were even released.

Personally, I think the handhelds (BBS and 358/2) are Sony's way of "testing the water"; I think that their attach rates to their respective systems will have the final say in whether KH is for Wii or PS3.

I think you mean SE and Disney's way of testing waters.

Btw, 358/2 Days is going to outsell BBS (maybe not by a long shot, but it will sell more).

Whoever wants an official where will KH3 go stickied thread say "Yummy."

 I think it will be by a lot.  Look at the userbase difference.  PSP version SHOULD have a higher attach rate though.  Then again it might not do to the PSP's weak software sales.  If it didn't that would just be a disaster.  Or the DS version would be way out performing to get an attach rate that's higher.

JBoogie said:

Business wise it makes sense but the game would be bad. Attack would be mapped to swinging at thats mostly all you would do. I cant see KH3 on it but maybe a side story with a changed formula. Also the graphics would not live up, I think they should switch to PlayStation.

What are your thoughts?

You know, I really don't like KH and could care less, but after reading this, I hope its exclusive to the Wii, just to spite your sony fanboy, wii-hating, uninformed, and knowledgeless ass.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


HarvestMoonGoddess said:
Kingdom Hearts was one of my favourite games for the PS2, and I'm only going to be getting a Wii so I hope it comes to it plus Wii has sold the most so it makes sense.

Wii has as good graphics as PS3 anyway.

I really dont care if that was sarcasm, because the wii is not even 1/5 of the ps3's power.

edit: To stay on topic, I want it on the playstation 3 to give the game an epic feel, not the same old ps2 game.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M