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Forums - General Discussion - Do you play any instrument and in what kind of music you like?

Instrument: Trumpet.
I was pretty good in high school but then I stopped caring when I got to college. I went from playing first part to deciding I wanted to play fourth (bass trumpet). It wasn't bad though because it was insane amounts of fun. I got to play as loud as I felt like and I would often just steal the bass trombone part when I didn't like my part.

Music: most anything.
I probably have the most diverse random playlist out of anyone here. There's everything from metal to blue to soft rock. I really do think I have just about every genre on there.

The one thing I like the most though is a woman with an awesome voice.

Around the Network

Instruments: Drums ( 6 years), Bass (4 months)

Music: Any kind of rock.

in high school in also in collage i played the flute in the school band.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Instrument: Basically anything in the percussion section including all keyboard instruments(xylophone, marimba), Snare Drum, Drum Set, etc. I also do hand drum beats on anything I can find, namely tables.

Interests: Metal, Rock, oldie rock, jazz, classical, reggae and various orchestrated music not in the norm of a concert band.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

Oh, actually did forget to say I played percussion my freshman year in high school because I was still learning the trumpet and just too bad to march (I didn't play an instrument other than the piano in middle school).

They stuck me in the pit during the marching season and I got kicked off just about every instrument because I was just bad. I even got kicked off the triangle. >_>

Around the Network

Acoustic guitar, piano, keyboard

Indie pop, rock, folk

Instruments: Guitar, bass, piano, drums, saxophone.

Music: Literally everything. Can't find something I don't like. Rock's the favorite though.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Yes I do. Piano, Lead Guitar (mainly Spanish Classical style), Violin, Saxophone (Alto, Tenor, and Soprano), and Trumpet
I like any genre. Especially sounds that develop feeling in a person, tell a story, or do something that is both original and successful, with successful being a relative term.

classical piano. extremely good at it.

played clarinet in high school band, since... obviously there's no place for a piano in a band.

the Wii is an epidemic.

I play Guitar Hero on my Wii. Okay I'm leaving now...