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Forums - Website Topics - Remembering (who is Tadj?)

Looking at it, Tadj then has to be the second user, or he has to have been deleted.

Reason: This was added , 2/7 06, and user number 3 didn't join untill 23/8.

That means Tadj only posted once.

Because the post below Tadj is made by the 3rd user, and that is his first post and the fourth and out users didn't post untill after 09:00.

So we can see that Tadj is the 1 with one, Broshnat is the one with 95. But Broshnat isn't ioi, is he? ioi answered him here:

I just put this here because I figured we should let the other one die, right? And this info should be here, I think.
And as for Komodo, this is his profile:

As for the oldest profiles, here:

You can see all of the ones that aren't deleted here. Last page is oldest.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Broshnat is ioi, his profile was exactly the same... I think perhaps ioi is a little mad and likes talking to himself

Also if you come back here ioi, who was Tadj, I guess he was a friend or roomate of yours who helped make your everythingandnothing website? and eventually set up vgc

I was going to add the archives for everythingandnothing but there didn't seem to be anything on them that referenced videogames... unless there was a section of the site that did it, or perhaps it just linked to (for which the homepage still seems to be active even if none of the links work)

@ioi... when you go to the link I gave, it showed the forum was added in mid-late August, in fact the earliest threads that are still archived under the sales tab here go back to the 23rd August.

huzzah, life for my thread.

I'm surprised there haven't been more Mods looking here, at least Ben and DKII, and The Source.

Actually I just checked their profiles, seems most Mods joined in Jan/Feb 2007 or later, but that was still .org back then.

MrStickball has been here a while.... was he one of the earliest mods?
and if ioi comes back again I still want to know who Tadj is?

ioi said:
Whatever happened to Komodo?

 And who is Tadj? Is this like Rosebud?

Who is Rosebud? (I remember Rosebud is a cheat on the old Sims game)

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I joined when it was .org

I remember those days.

The page layout was (no offense ioi) crappy compared to this.

There was no "hot topics", and the site felt like it was rarely updated. I jused to come at least once a month. Then once they did weekly american, I started to come more and more, and I didn't really post until August, for some odd reason.

But it does bring back some major memories.

I'm just glad it doesn't look like that anymore.

Man, I started hanging around back in Nov of 2006 (I got hooked on the whole Monty fighting for the 360 thing, it was like a deranged and pathetic soap opera), but lurked until just recently. Its kind of amazing how much the site has changed over the past year and a half, but more amazing still is the fact that I never really noticed it change 0_o

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DMeisterJ said:
I joined when it was .org

I remember those days.

The page layout was (no offense ioi) crappy compared to this.

There was no "hot topics", and the site felt like it was rarely updated. I jused to come at least once a month. Then once they did weekly american, I started to come more and more, and I didn't really post until August, for some odd reason.

But it does bring back some major memories.

You joined the same day as me... in fact only 6 users before me. and it wasn't .org then because it changed to that in early April.

(change the time to 1y, and add in if you like)

TWRoO said:
Who is Rosebud? (I remember Rosebud is a cheat on the old Sims game)

 Rosebud was the last word uttered by Charles Foster Kane before he died. It was a mystery to everyone that knew him what it meant and he took the secret of it's meaning to the grave.