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Looking at it, Tadj then has to be the second user, or he has to have been deleted.

Reason: This was added , 2/7 06, and user number 3 didn't join untill 23/8.

That means Tadj only posted once.

Because the post below Tadj is made by the 3rd user, and that is his first post and the fourth and out users didn't post untill after 09:00.

So we can see that Tadj is the 1 with one, Broshnat is the one with 95. But Broshnat isn't ioi, is he? ioi answered him here:

I just put this here because I figured we should let the other one die, right? And this info should be here, I think.
And as for Komodo, this is his profile:

As for the oldest profiles, here:

You can see all of the ones that aren't deleted here. Last page is oldest.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS