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Forums - Sales Discussion - Media Create Numbers : 2/11 - 2/17

so seems possible to see PS3 estabilized in 20.000 from now to november with ocassional better numbers when games arrives (yakuza, gallian chronicles, GTAIV, dragon ball...)?

I agree with bengabenga (wich means "came here came here" in spanish xD)

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DMC 4 put me to shame, I never expected it to pass 250k lifetime in Japan! Lost Planet did pretty poorly, like most of us anticipated. Still good numbers for Brawl and Wii Fit, but they're on the decline as well.
Hardware seems incredibly low all over except Wii. The Japanese market sure has grown unpredictable since last gen.

If sales keep going like this, market share for Japan will be approaching the following percentages:

Wii: 80.4%
PS3: 17.5%
360: 2.0%

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957