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Forums - General Discussion - Obama supporter PWN3D on MSNBC ...

The statement above mine has to be one of the most ignorant statements I've read (amongst the couples on here).

If anybody is thinking about being a "racist" and not thinking about the man and his political views and where it stands against theirs or with theirs, then maybe they don't need to be a part of the political process.

I for one welcome Obama, not because of his skin color, or because of his "hope" policies or anything, but because he's speaking to people, and people are talking about him and actually placing SOME THOUGHT into this upcoming election. Whether it be because he's black, or because he doesn't have experience, his views are far fetched, whatever. He's throwing a curve ball in this political process.

Now at the end of the day he's still a politician. But you got to talk about things are at the very least implement ideas before they can become actual.

McCain while the front runner for the rep. party, I don't think he stands a chance being that he's pro war, and we already know where the majority of the US stands with that issue right now.

No matter what, whoever get's elected next is going to have a WHOLE lot of stuff to get in order regardless if their conservative or liberal or whatever. - It is what it is!

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lol, how could he not know the answer. I have not looked into it, nor am I on nation-wide television promoting Obama either. He should really do his homework prior to getting on TV.

Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.


Can anyone on this board name something they have accomplished?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

darendt said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

I believe I will hit the Lotto......doesnt mean its gonna happen. He is running for PResident of a country. He has no experience what so ever. Companies wouldnt even hire him as a CEO due to his lack of experience. Why should he be President again? Because he says what people want to hear. I can run and say I will make it rain 100 dollar bills for 4 years, it doesnt mean that I would be able to accomplish it. Bottom line is that he is getting most of the black vote because he is 1/10th black. I still cant understand however with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama, we are even considering a nomination. We get one executed then put one in office......genious.

 Now that is just racist, and Barrack is our savior, he will bring about CHANGE.  Do you understand?? CHANGE and we need change.

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I have 3 kids. That's an accomplishment.

darendt said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

I believe I will hit the Lotto......doesnt mean its gonna happen. He is running for PResident of a country. He has no experience what so ever. Companies wouldnt even hire him as a CEO due to his lack of experience. Why should he be President again? Because he says what people want to hear. I can run and say I will make it rain 100 dollar bills for 4 years, it doesnt mean that I would be able to accomplish it. Bottom line is that he is getting most of the black vote because he is 1/10th black. I still cant understand however with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama, we are even considering a nomination. We get one executed then put one in office......genious.


And where did you receive your education? As long as there are folks like you, I'll always have a job in newspapers.

Well, class, let's consider this. Your current president experimented with drugs in college - he dodged Vietnam and begged his daddy to get him into the Guard. After *serving,* he served as the leader of a few oil ventures that failed. And guess what? He won the governorship in Texas - and he failed there. Now, after 8 years at the helm of the U.S. - guess what? He has squandered all of the gains that Bill Clinton made during his presidency. And you cite lack of experience. I would rather take my chances on Obama and let McCain lay the foundation for my 4-year-old to serve in Iraq.

Your post is awesome. I showed it to my grammar group and they laughed. 


darendt said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

I believe I will hit the Lotto......doesnt mean its gonna happen. He is running for PResident of a country. He has no experience what so ever. Companies wouldnt even hire him as a CEO due to his lack of experience. Why should he be President again? Because he says what people want to hear. I can run and say I will make it rain 100 dollar bills for 4 years, it doesnt mean that I would be able to accomplish it. Bottom line is that he is getting most of the black vote because he is 1/10th black. I still cant understand however with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama, we are even considering a nomination. We get one executed then put one in office......genious.

1. He is not Muslim. So his name is irrelavant. This is just ignorant.

2. His positions on the war, healthcare, and other items (if you want details go to his website) are much better than anyone in the Republican camp and mostly better than Clinton's. Hell, he is the only one who like me knew Iraq war was unjustified and should never had been waged.

3. What does political experience get you? Corrupted. The fact that he has not been a typical capital hill cronny is a good thing. Change is far greater with him than anyone else put forth.

4. Being black has helped with the "black vote" as I am sure there are quite a few people voting for him for the sole reason of his skin, BUT, the majority of independent and democrate white votes are also going to him. So, clearly race is not the factor that is pushing him to presidency, his speeches and platform is. 


darendt said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

I believe I will hit the Lotto......doesnt mean its gonna happen. He is running for PResident of a country. He has no experience what so ever. Companies wouldnt even hire him as a CEO due to his lack of experience. Why should he be President again? Because he says what people want to hear. I can run and say I will make it rain 100 dollar bills for 4 years, it doesnt mean that I would be able to accomplish it. Bottom line is that he is getting most of the black vote because he is 1/10th black. I still cant understand however with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama, we are even considering a nomination. We get one executed then put one in office......genious.

 wow.. that is very .. wow.. it is unfortunate that a lot of foreigners see something like this and think all Americans are racist dumbasses as a result

darendt said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

I believe I will hit the Lotto......doesnt mean its gonna happen. He is running for PResident of a country. He has no experience what so ever. Companies wouldnt even hire him as a CEO due to his lack of experience. Why should he be President again? Because he says what people want to hear. I can run and say I will make it rain 100 dollar bills for 4 years, it doesnt mean that I would be able to accomplish it. Bottom line is that he is getting most of the black vote because he is 1/10th black. I still cant understand however with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama, we are even considering a nomination. We get one executed then put one in office......genious.

So my muslim boss warned me that too many americans were racist  or bigots or idiots to elect someone who has  any non-christian connections,  and be anything other than a white man. I assured him that  america was moving on, that people were more vested in this election than ever and all of this additional primary process is a good thing.  I guess anchors like you will forever doom our nation to ignoronat mediocrity.

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The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

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Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

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