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darendt said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

I believe I will hit the Lotto......doesnt mean its gonna happen. He is running for PResident of a country. He has no experience what so ever. Companies wouldnt even hire him as a CEO due to his lack of experience. Why should he be President again? Because he says what people want to hear. I can run and say I will make it rain 100 dollar bills for 4 years, it doesnt mean that I would be able to accomplish it. Bottom line is that he is getting most of the black vote because he is 1/10th black. I still cant understand however with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama, we are even considering a nomination. We get one executed then put one in office......genious.

 wow.. that is very .. wow.. it is unfortunate that a lot of foreigners see something like this and think all Americans are racist dumbasses as a result