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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 sales have passed that of the TurboGraphX-16!

Lol I was checking past video game systems and on Wikipedia it listed the top selling consoles of all time and the PS3 is now officially ahead of the TurboGraphX-16!!!


p.s. It also passed the Sega Saturn.


Next on the list to pass is The Sega Dreamcast coming in at 10.6 million units and the Master System at 13 million.

Edit: This is meant as a joke, don't take it seriously. Although its a true fact.

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sorry, i spelt Turbografx wrong.

man, this crunchy cheesy crust pizza from pizza hut looks delicious...I am so hungry.

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Damn, seems like sega consoles never really did that well then...

^ It does, doesn't it?


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lol it sure would.

p.s. this is meant to be a joke, not some power hungry Sony thread.

^ I agree. It looks tasty.

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Squall_Leonhart said:
Damn, seems like sega consoles never really did that well then...

Yeah they sure didn't!


According to Wikipedia (unreliable source) the bestselling Sega console was the Genesis checking in at 29million.

coolestguyever said:
Squall_Leonhart said:
Damn, seems like sega consoles never really did that well then...

Yeah they sure didn't!


According to Wikipedia (unreliable source) the bestselling Sega console was the Genesis checking in at 29million.

Can't be right. It has been reported as outselling the N64, which sold 30-32 million. Usually, I hear reports it sold 35 million. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

I find it interesting, that list shows shipped numbers, and according to it, there are 17.7 million 360's shipped. I find this interesting because everyone claims the 360 was selling out, but according to that figure there are 600,000 360's sitting around somewhere