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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wiiware Launch title "LostWinds", hell yes!

Sounds pretty solid.

Now I haven't kept up with WiiWare so this may have been answered elsewhere but is there any word as to if the games can/will be 480p? I know VC games are 480i so I haven't bought them because with my current setup connected to a monitor it's a hassle to change plugs and play a 480i game.

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do want~


I really hope WiiWare produces more of this type of thing....this and Fez are going to be a whole lot of indie platforming games with a twist in a short period of time =P  But I think I'll manage... 

To Each Man, Responsibility
azrm2k said:
Sounds pretty solid.

Now I haven't kept up with WiiWare so this may have been answered elsewhere but is there any word as to if the games can/will be 480p? I know VC games are 480i so I haven't bought them because with my current setup connected to a monitor it's a hassle to change plugs and play a 480i game.

I'm pretty sure that VC games are 480p, except for Neo-Geo.  You can manually set the output type in the Wii settings menu, though, you don't have to use different cabling.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

As has been stated up above, I think this will be a fantastic way to show innovation. It won't require a few mil to make a full sized game, so new developers can really find unique ways to use the controller in real games, that some day may be translated to bigger budget titles, or at least inspire a creative streak in bigger companies once they see that you can do more than use waggle as a button.

This will be very good for the industry and for Wii specifically.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Looks very interesting and original! It really seems like a must.

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Looks pretty damn good. Me wants!

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

BengaBenga said:
Take a look at Eternity's Child. That's also a 2D platformer with an AMAZING art style. I added it in the "Wii games in 2008" thread with LostWinds.

Thanks for your job in that thread, BengaBenga...  and two excellent choices indeed...  ;)

These two games look definitely good, exactly the kind of art style that turns me on... i'll wait for some reviews first, but for 5 or 10 euros, if the gameplay is good, i won't hesitate too long, that's for sure... 



"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

This game looks amazing i think world of Goo is a wii ware title as well but may be retail here is a link to a World of Goo video both games looking just too damn good

The_vagabond7 said:
so far all wiiware titles that have been given prices are going for 5-10 bucks. So this looks like an awesome deal.

That's not true.  FFCC is announced at 1500 Wii points ($15) and I'm sure this will be at least $10.

Does look cool though.  I'll definitely be picking this, FFCC, and Pokemon Farm up when Wii Ware launches. 

With this,  World of Goo, Butterfly Garden, FFCC, StarSoldier R and Eternity's Child WiiWare gets an attractive game lineup. I like my games short and colourful as this.

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