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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Killzone 2 Screens out of GDC.

MrMarc said:
I'm beginning to think the more I see of this game, the quicker I think it's ageing badly.

Really, it looks dull, the pictures are old and they're still obviously photoshopping them. Can't wait to see what the game 'really' looks like.

 If you've seen the in-motions, you'd have no worry what-so-ever about it ageing badly xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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Oh I have seen the supposed 'ingame' videos and I'm not one bit impressed, I've said this in another thread, it's all too evident how slow and clunky the general movement looks. The enemy models look chunky, like something out of the old Unreal and Quake games, the environments are bland and unoriginal as are the overall visuals.

I just can't understand the hype of a game that has a mediocre reputation to begin with whose sequel looks incredibly underwhelming, these kind of things can be seen from videos and I think alot of people have a gamer equivalent of 'Beer Goggles' going on.

I'd hate to be that guy who is trolling for the sake of trolling but the hype behind Killzone 2 does quite frankly irk me somewhat.


MrMarc said:
Oh I have seen the supposed 'ingame' videos and I'm not one bit impressed, I've said this in another thread, it's all too evident how slow and clunky the general movement looks. The enemy models look chunky, like something out of the old Unreal and Quake games, the environments are bland and unoriginal as are the overall visuals.

I just can't understand the hype of a game that has a mediocre reputation to begin with whose sequel looks incredibly underwhelming, these kind of things can be seen from videos and I think alot of people have a gamer equivalent of 'Beer Goggles' going on.

I'd hate to be that guy who is trolling for the sake of trolling but the hype behind Killzone 2 does quite frankly irk me somewhat.

 I dunno, I downloaded the 1080p video's off the network, and to be honest, it's definitely war-torn, but they're visuals, lighting, and firefights look to be some of the best I've ever seen on a console. I think I saw a total of 1 guy that looked like something even remotely close to unreal creations and that was the Heavy >_>;;; but... he's supposed to be. All the other character models looked pretty good, and I personaly think the animations and motions the game made were smooth as butter lol. The lean and peak mechanics are shaping up very nicely, and if Killzone 1 is anything to judge by, the environments are going to be diverse and plentifull. The only area that might even concern me in the least is the game-play itself, which wasn't horrible to begin with. 

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I believe that the AI was subject to some scrutiny during a play session at some gaming event. I'm also interested in seeing more gameplay videos to see how things are shaping up.

So I guess we'll see.

They look old, but imagine playing those levels at a solid 60fps. I really like the artstyle and realistic body movements.

Its pretty amazing actally. Framerate is what im worried about though. A solid framerate will make or break this game IMO.

As far as gameplay, who cares. Its all the same with shooters. But if gameplay is up to par than this really might be bigger than Resistance 2

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Actually, I believe Killzone 2 was confirmed 720p and 30fps. I haven't noticed any drop in the frame rate in the gameplay footage we've seen so far, so that's yet another thing I'm waiting to see as more coverage of this game comes out.

These screens are at least a few months old.

MrMarc said:
Oh I have seen the supposed 'ingame' videos and I'm not one bit impressed, 

 People have played this game, its not a video, it is all ingame and running on a PS3.  If you would of watched the videos you would see that this game looks better then anything out on the market.  There are alot of different video's go look on IGN or something.

Griffin said:

People have played this game, its not a video, it is all ingame and running on a PS3. If you would of watched the videos you would see that this game looks better then anything out on the market. There are alot of different video's go look on IGN or something.

It doesn't look better than Crysis, that really isn't a matter of opinion either...

 If you do want opinion though, hell I think Call of Duty 4 looks alot better as well. 



No matter how it plays in the end, no one can seriously deny that it looks fricking gorgeous.

^Crysis and Oblivion are the two most overrated games on the globe as far as visuals go (yes, I've played both). I'm much more hyped for Far Cry 2 now, at least the first one was good. I played through roughly half of Crysis, then unistalled it and have never since played it... Letdown of the year in 2007 for me.