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Forums - Sony Discussion - Were consumers REALLY waiting for the "format war" to be over.......

BMaker11 said: choose a system.

Nope, they weren't.



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Yes.But only the15-20% knowing that there was some kind of war going on.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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Username2324 said:
Toshiba and Microsoft were purposely causing confusion, and no one likes to choose the wrong format. Ask the 1.6 million HD DVD adopters, they must all feel like crap. But if official numbers had been released say right before Christmas about the numbers for each format, many many more people would have gotten a Blu-ray player.

I bought an HD DVD player and I don't feel like crap.  If fact I am really enjoying it.

The facts are that I wanted to enjoy HD movies on my new HDTV right now, but I am not willing to spend more then $200 on a HD player.  So I got an HD player for under $200 and there are enough HD DVD movies out there to keep busy until a Bluray player gets below $200.

Also is there anyone who can post a link to actaul data that shows BluRay being adoupted faster then DVD's.  I have seen that thrown around alot in this thread, but I have yet to see any proof posted.

^ So youre willing to spend 400 on a HD player. LOL @ Backfire.

Nobody cares. HI-def everything is overrated, and also really confusing as to why it matters to the average person.

Think what 360/Playstation 3 sales would be like if they were ONLY high-definition. This shit isn't ever going to really take off, no matter how they try to sell it.

 I'm an A/V whore, but to an extent. If I want resolution, I can invest more in my PC. Fucking S-video is fine by me when it comes to console, and 480p does the job fine because I don't have an obscene 50" LCD (crappy technology anyway) set.

 Think of what DVD brought to the table for the average consumer: widescreen, extra features, better picture on ANY TV set. What does "high definition" really bring? Huge price tags for a better presentation. yay. Who is going to buy random movies like romantic comedies on Blu-ray?

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=p Well Sony was almost right with their commercial:

PS: My father and oncle bought today a Blu Ray player the first ones in my family. (Except the PS3 owners).

You guys are right about blu-ray seeing more intial sucsess then dvd. But I don't think you going to see people replacing there dvds with blu-ray. Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Back to the future, Yes. But is Tommy Boy any funnier in HD no. A lot of people completly replaced there VHS collection with DVDs. Also price point had a lot to do with why DVDs took so long to sell really well. And Blu-ray may have won the battle but they may lose the war with downloads. I'll bye Pirates on Blu-ray but i'm downloading Knocked Up.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
BMaker11 said: choose a system. With Blu-ray winning, I, along with most others, have noticed a HUGE spike in US sales (beating out 360 even by the ioi's numbers).

Were there that many "educated" consumers on the fence.....based only on Blu-ray vs HD DVD?

 I honestly think that what is ruining the 360s market share is the RROD, although this is going to make it decline even more. Sales of Blu-Ray movies are a tiny fraction of what DVDs sell so I don't really think the masses are buying these high end players.


There are probably quite a few people who were holding off on buying a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray player until either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD became the clear winner; as a result of Blu-Ray winning and the PS3 being the least expensive Blu-Ray player many of these people may have rushed out and bought a PS3 because HD-DVD (effectively) died.

Because these people were "waiting" the boost in sales the PS3 has seen will only last a short period of time and then return to a similar (although somewhat higher) level to what it was selling before HD-DVD (effectively) died; basically you will see a similar pattern to the effect of most price cuts.

DMeisterJ said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
DVD didn't require a new TV in order to reep the benefits of the improved format.

Blu-Ray requires a HD-TV to get any significant improvement over DVD out of it.

Where as DVD offered inumerable advantages over VHS, Blu-Ray really only offers two, better sound and picture. Can cosmetic differences really justify a new format?

Well, cosmetic changes do justify a new format. That's why regular TVs are going the way of the dinosaur, analog receivers for TVs will be phased out by the new year, and more people are buying HDTVs. The same argument could have been made to go from black and white TVs to color. It was only cosmetic changes, but as you can see, it still changed.

Bull. Size and widescreen are NOT cosmetic differences. If something changes the physical shape, it is a practical difference.

Blu-Ray has yet to have truly practical differences to DVD, especially intiutive ones.

DVD was intiutive. It's easier to use than VHS, but its NATURE. Blu-Ray is NOT there yet. So holdouts from the A/V crowd will likely cause just a small boost. The mainstream still doesn't have a reason to drop DVD. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs