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Username2324 said:
Toshiba and Microsoft were purposely causing confusion, and no one likes to choose the wrong format. Ask the 1.6 million HD DVD adopters, they must all feel like crap. But if official numbers had been released say right before Christmas about the numbers for each format, many many more people would have gotten a Blu-ray player.

I bought an HD DVD player and I don't feel like crap.  If fact I am really enjoying it.

The facts are that I wanted to enjoy HD movies on my new HDTV right now, but I am not willing to spend more then $200 on a HD player.  So I got an HD player for under $200 and there are enough HD DVD movies out there to keep busy until a Bluray player gets below $200.

Also is there anyone who can post a link to actaul data that shows BluRay being adoupted faster then DVD's.  I have seen that thrown around alot in this thread, but I have yet to see any proof posted.