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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII delayed until Spring 2010?

Well I quickly looked around the site and saw no information on FFXIII, so I have no clue what they (Trader's Web) are basing this off of.  Anyways while 2010 might be a possibility for a US release (though it seems it will likely be sooner), March 2010 for the Japanese release is simply ridiculous.

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makingmusic476 said:
And we know the game isn't vaporware, because they've already unveiled multiple characters, so we know that they have the basic story fleshed out, and because they've almost completed the White Engine. They're even supposed to be demonstrating the Engine at GDC.

This was a ps2 game cancelled and made for the ps3, The story should be done already.
Plus did anyone even read the article?

 "Some Japanese industry analysts over on Japanese stock news site Trader's Web predicted that Final Fantasy XIII would be pushed back to March 2010. Until then, the value of Square Enix's stocks is supposed to drop."

Since when did we start listening to analysts? Its not even "insider information", its just some analysts predicting something happening, like analysts predicting the Wii will fall in last place in the console war a few years back.
I call bullshit, and I dont know why people are actually contemplating about their absurd "prediction" when the so-called analysts presented no basis for their claim whatsoever.

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As long as that is a World Wide 2010 release, I'm fine with it.

That's early for a FF game in the UK. :P



Although I doubt it's true. They need to release in Japan.

Hmm, pie.

routsounmanman said:
Porting it to Xbox360 and Wii takes time people :P

Haha, dangit, you beat me to it.  :)

That's a pretty realistic European release date, but I think the Japs and Yanks will be getting it a bit sooner.

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if its true then thats one big delay

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

PooperScooper said:

Um, the format won't make the game awesome. S-E has talented people. THAT would be what would make the game awesome.

And besides, with S-E's track record, they'd likely throw in so many cut scenes even a two layer disc won't be enough. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs