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 MS is welcome to take Bluray, Sony has no say in the matter, and Bluray will not lose to streaming or downloads, from a Bluray association spokesman. 


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"Bluray will not lose to streaming or downloads, from a Bluray association spokesman."

Well of course he would say that. Would he say, "Forget about my company's format, go with this other guy's."?

Other than that, yes, MS can use Blu-Ray. Before the format wars even started, they said they would release a BR add-on if HD-DVD lost.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I think much like Toshiba MS will not go Blu.

I think offering a sku with blu-ray wouldn't be a bad idea for MS.
but financially they might not be able to make such a thing work any time soon.

The real question is can they break the cardinal rule and come out with games on Blu-ray, with the 360?

I know it sounds ridiculous, and probably wont happen for Microsoft until next gen, if ever.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

Auron said:
I think much like Toshiba MS will not go Blu.

Why won't either of them move to blu-ray? Has Toshiba announced that it won't be manufacturing blu-ray hardware in the future? Why wouldn't MS when their only hardware investment was in an addon drive?

I failed to see how anyone thought MS wouldn't be able to go to Blu-ray. MS has VC-1 invested in blu-ray already (so they were receiving royalities on blu-ray anyway), and they are part of the ACSS consortium, which is also used in blu-ray discs.

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First of all, I think it should go without saying that MS is welcome to use BR technology. Even if Sony was the sole compnay in charge of the format they'd make money off of it everytime MS sold a machine that's Blu Ray capable and then they'd make more by selling Blu Ray discs, so there's absolutely no reason to bar MS from using BR. In fact, it'd just prove that Sony was right and that the PS3 is superior to the 360. No loss for Sony at all.

Second, why in god's name does Auron think Toshiba won't make BR players? They make consumer electronics, and they like making money. If they can make a profit selling BR players, it'd be ridiculous for Toshiba to not. And so they would.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Katilian said:
Auron said:
I think much like Toshiba MS will not go Blu.

Why won't either of them move to blu-ray? Has Toshiba announced that it won't be manufacturing blu-ray hardware in the future? Why wouldn't MS when their only hardware investment was in an addon drive?

I failed to see how anyone thought MS wouldn't be able to go to Blu-ray. MS has VC-1 invested in blu-ray already (so they were receiving royalities on blu-ray anyway), and they are part of the ACSS consortium, which is also used in blu-ray discs.

Toshiba has no plans to go blu as stated in the following:

Toshiba said they will be focusing on digital downloading now.

ChichiriMuyo said:
First of all, I think it should go without saying that MS is welcome to use BR technology. Even if Sony was the sole compnay in charge of the format they'd make money off of it everytime MS sold a machine that's Blu Ray capable and then they'd make more by selling Blu Ray discs, so there's absolutely no reason to bar MS from using BR. In fact, it'd just prove that Sony was right and that the PS3 is superior to the 360. No loss for Sony at all.

Second, why in god's name does Auron think Toshiba won't make BR players? They make consumer electronics, and they like making money. If they can make a profit selling BR players, it'd be ridiculous for Toshiba to not. And so they would.

 Cause ummmm maybe the President and CEO of toshiba, Atsutoshi Nishida, said they wouldn't.  Maybe later but not anytime soon.

Why would Microsoft consider Blu-Ray for the Xbox 360 when it's very obvious they've been working on digital downloads all this time?  Also if Microsoft and Netflix actually do make a deal and over 7,000 movies and tv series are available for download it would make any Blu-Ray even more unlikely for the system.

Take this survey from Netflix for example, they must have been approached by Microsoft if they asked such a question: