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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Too Human: Fail or Win

I just saw some new info on Too Human from GDC. Now this game has been in development since the N64 was around. Do you think it stands a chance at success now? Will it sell millions? and most importantly will it be good?

I think it will be good. I like Silicon Knights alot due to Eternal Darkness. However, I think Too Human will sell less than Mass Effect, but be a better game (which is saying alot since I love ME). 


In other news, this is my 100th post. This is more sad than joyous sicne I've been a member since 2006 when this site was a .org and ioi was wii_gamer. Took me long enough.  



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Those gameplay videos on GT looked pretty awful to me. Really horrible camera, awkward action sequences, clipping, and just generally dull enemies and environments. Looks like something you would see on the PS1, but with HD graphics.

the game looks cool, and I like the whole concept of the game, and it would be cool if it eventually made it's way to the PS3 or at least the PC.

too human = too late

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Maybe theywill switch back to Ninty after this (a la Factor5)...

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I actually thought it looked good. The main character looked a little stiff though.




I think the story has a great premise.
However, like naz said, the gameplay doesnt look too good. If the reviews are genreally positive, this will be a title id think aobut picking up when/if i get a 360.

I hope the game terms out well. The concept is nice, but the game has been development for so long and the it has so many development issues. So, I am very pessimistic about the game to say the least. Here's hoping they can pull it together before release.

The game looks great, I think it will be a 90+ game.

This game has genuine AAA potential. It is looking like Silicon Knights really pulled it together.

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