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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - [EDITED]Wii U owners, do not buy WatchDogs!

The only way I don't purchase this game is if:

A: The game is inferior to the ps360 versions.

B: Even if superior to ps360 versions, if there is any element missing, like local or online multiplayer.

If they game is good and I end up really liking it, I will purchase it on ps4 or xbox one also.

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All I know is that I won't support publishers who won't even try.


Slarvax said:

Hear me out! Yes, I know Nintendo needs 3rd party support to survive, and yes, I know that if we want that to happen, we'll have to buy 3rd party games... But they're not respecting us! They did release AC IV on time, and there's no excuse for that game to sell as bad as it did and that is our fault... But with WatchDogs, we're not only getting it in a "possible" 2014 date! We'll probably get the last gen version of it, or even worse! I'm not saying that we should get the definitive version, but if they're delaying to concentrate on the important console (AKA they don't care about us!), then we should, at least... at least get a better value for the game! It's not like a time exclusive, or a delay to make a simultanous release (like they did with Rayman Legends), they just thought: "Let's fuck those Nintendo fans, because they don't already get enough of that!"

And if you NEED to have WatchDogs, get it on another system or used... Don't let them take advantage of you! I prefer no 3rd parties over greedy and egocentric devs. PUBLISHERS ***

EDIT: I feel you guys didn't understand me. I'm no trying this to get better or more support, I'm trying it because I can't put up with what they did! Imagine you have an Xboxone/PS4, and you're version of FFVX was delayed seven months to have a simultaneous release with Wii U (I said imagine!)... It makes you angry, right? Well, to make it up to you, they delay your KHIII version with a vague "possible" 2015 release date, because they want to release the iimportant versions first, AKA they don't care about you!

They gave us a 20FPS version that lacked content the PS3 version had


*** Fixed it for you

But dont worry people will not buy it. I mean "PS3 and 360 owners will not buy  Rayman Legends on their systems if the game comes out later than the WiiU version because they would feel it is OLD thats why we also delay the Wiiu version" (ubisoft said that)

So it would be just normal for the WiiU version of WatchDogs to not sell right? So again  dont worry it will not sell at all.

JazzB1987 said:
Slarvax said:

Hear me out! Yes, I know Nintendo needs 3rd party support to survive, and yes, I know that if we want that to happen, we'll have to buy 3rd party games... But they're not respecting us! They did release AC IV on time, and there's no excuse for that game to sell as bad as it did and that is our fault... But with WatchDogs, we're not only getting it in a "possible" 2014 date! We'll probably get the last gen version of it, or even worse! I'm not saying that we should get the definitive version, but if they're delaying to concentrate on the important console (AKA they don't care about us!), then we should, at least... at least get a better value for the game! It's not like a time exclusive, or a delay to make a simultanous release (like they did with Rayman Legends), they just thought: "Let's fuck those Nintendo fans, because they don't already get enough of that!"

And if you NEED to have WatchDogs, get it on another system or used... Don't let them take advantage of you! I prefer no 3rd parties over greedy and egocentric devs. PUBLISHERS ***

EDIT: I feel you guys didn't understand me. I'm no trying this to get better or more support, I'm trying it because I can't put up with what they did! Imagine you have an Xboxone/PS4, and you're version of FFVX was delayed seven months to have a simultaneous release with Wii U (I said imagine!)... It makes you angry, right? Well, to make it up to you, they delay your KHIII version with a vague "possible" 2015 release date, because they want to release the iimportant versions first, AKA they don't care about you!

They gave us a 20FPS version that lacked content the PS3 version had


*** Fixed it for you

Even the Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC versions didn't have that. It was exclusive to PS3 and PS4.

Ucell said:
JazzB1987 said:
Slarvax said:

Hear me out! Yes, I know Nintendo needs 3rd party support to survive, and yes, I know that if we want that to happen, we'll have to buy 3rd party games... But they're not respecting us! They did release AC IV on time, and there's no excuse for that game to sell as bad as it did and that is our fault... But with WatchDogs, we're not only getting it in a "possible" 2014 date! We'll probably get the last gen version of it, or even worse! I'm not saying that we should get the definitive version, but if they're delaying to concentrate on the important console (AKA they don't care about us!), then we should, at least... at least get a better value for the game! It's not like a time exclusive, or a delay to make a simultanous release (like they did with Rayman Legends), they just thought: "Let's fuck those Nintendo fans, because they don't already get enough of that!"

And if you NEED to have WatchDogs, get it on another system or used... Don't let them take advantage of you! I prefer no 3rd parties over greedy and egocentric devs. PUBLISHERS ***

EDIT: I feel you guys didn't understand me. I'm no trying this to get better or more support, I'm trying it because I can't put up with what they did! Imagine you have an Xboxone/PS4, and you're version of FFVX was delayed seven months to have a simultaneous release with Wii U (I said imagine!)... It makes you angry, right? Well, to make it up to you, they delay your KHIII version with a vague "possible" 2015 release date, because they want to release the iimportant versions first, AKA they don't care about you!

They gave us a 20FPS version that lacked content the PS3 version had


*** Fixed it for you

Even the Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC versions didn't have that. It was exclusive to PS3 and PS4.

Condolences to the parents of the "kids" that buy inferior versions. (not because of real reasons/limitations but because of stupid contract decisions)
If people dont realize that their money is as good as anyones money its their own problem. And if they keep buying it it will happen again.

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JazzB1987 said:
Ucell said:
JazzB1987 said:
Slarvax said:

Hear me out! Yes, I know Nintendo needs 3rd party support to survive, and yes, I know that if we want that to happen, we'll have to buy 3rd party games... But they're not respecting us! They did release AC IV on time, and there's no excuse for that game to sell as bad as it did and that is our fault... But with WatchDogs, we're not only getting it in a "possible" 2014 date! We'll probably get the last gen version of it, or even worse! I'm not saying that we should get the definitive version, but if they're delaying to concentrate on the important console (AKA they don't care about us!), then we should, at least... at least get a better value for the game! It's not like a time exclusive, or a delay to make a simultanous release (like they did with Rayman Legends), they just thought: "Let's fuck those Nintendo fans, because they don't already get enough of that!"

And if you NEED to have WatchDogs, get it on another system or used... Don't let them take advantage of you! I prefer no 3rd parties over greedy and egocentric devs. PUBLISHERS ***

EDIT: I feel you guys didn't understand me. I'm no trying this to get better or more support, I'm trying it because I can't put up with what they did! Imagine you have an Xboxone/PS4, and you're version of FFVX was delayed seven months to have a simultaneous release with Wii U (I said imagine!)... It makes you angry, right? Well, to make it up to you, they delay your KHIII version with a vague "possible" 2015 release date, because they want to release the iimportant versions first, AKA they don't care about you!

They gave us a 20FPS version that lacked content the PS3 version had


*** Fixed it for you

Even the Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC versions didn't have that. It was exclusive to PS3 and PS4.

Condolences to the parents of the "kids" that buy inferior versions. (not because of real reasons/limitations but because of stupid contract decisions)
If people dont realize that their money is as good as anyones money its their own problem. And if they keep buying it it will happen again.

More like teens and adults who buy AC games. Besides that is THE POWER OF PLAYSTATION :D

I'll be getting it because the GamePad features should make it the definitive version, but I won't be getting it until it's dropped in price.

I don't think Ubisoft will be dropping Wii U support because they've made a profit on most of their Wii U titles so far, considering that Assassin's Creed III only cost €1m to port. Assassin's Creed III and IV, ZombiU, Sports Connection, Just Dance and Rayman Legends should all have made them a profit.

Slarvax said:
garywood said:

It's weird how different groups of people have hugely different interpretations of what they deserve and how much power they wield. From my point of view (as a fellow Nintendo fan, no less), you've got the entire situation backwards. You're in no position to be saying anything bad about Ubisoft or trying to make demands of them. With the current state of things, they should be making demands of you. They should be publicly saying to the Nintendo community "Buy X million copies of Watch Dogs or it's the last game we put on nintendo."
Nintendo need Ubisoft a hell of a lot more than Ubisoft need Nintendo right now.

And I thought like that to! Until WatchDogs release date was announced as a "possible" 2014! I believe they're the second best 3rd party for Nintendo (Activision is better), but this delay just makes no sense to me. Rayman was delayed for a simultaneous release, even though it was already done, and Watchdogs is delayed for no freaking reason! 

Rayman was delayed for a simultaneous release, because Ubisoft wanted to reduce the risk of it being a flop due to the low Wii U install base. Although their apparent lack of confidence in the Wii U angered a lot of Wii U owners (me included), it was a perfectly reasonable business decision. Even with the simultaneous release, Ubisoft announced that Rayman Legends missed its sales target. It is still just under 1 million sales. Looking at today's VGChartz global estimates for the game, it's interesting to note that its sales are broken down as 33%, 30% and 25% for the PS3, Wii U and X360 respectively, with the remainder shared between the Vita, PS4 and X1.

As a result of that delay, Rayman Legends got 30 more levels, several new bosses and more polishing. So, as a result of Ubisoft hedging their bets, we all got a better game for it. Had it not been delayed, and had it not been made multi-platform, sales would have been worse, the game wouldn't have been as good, and Watch Dogs might never have even been on the cards for Wii U in the first place.

As for delaying Watch Dogs on the Wii U - senior producer Dominic Guay said:

"It's also an interesting platform, because it has its own strength, which we want to take advantage of, and we didn't want to delay all the other platforms for that one. So we're going to take the time we need to make sure the game is good (technically) when we ship it and that it also, game design-wise, makes good use of the specifics of the Wii U." (Source)

Ubisoft recognise the Wii U strengths - in Guay's words "...we want to be ambitious with it" - this tells me that they want a polished version of Watch Dogs that will make the best of the Wii U's features. I, for one, would rather deal with the frustration and wait for that, than pick up some half-baked, lazy-arsed port.

Ubisoft are delaying Watch Dogs for Wii U so they can go that extra mile to make sure it is outstanding, and rather than being boycotted, they should be applauded for it.

Hedra42, I hope what you say is true... But I'll just have to wait for that (no quoting, using my phone)

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Unnecessary thread. Game wouldn't have sold anyway.
And at some point I can understand every third party this time. If Nintendo games are failing to sell, even more the deficient third party games.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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