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One could argue that HD-DVD's Death could have huge implications for the PS3 sales for two reasons. one it is cheaper to get a PS3 then other Blu ray players on the market. secondly the PS3 has the capability to go to Blu Ray 2.0 other Blu ray players that have been out do not have the capabality. So for any consumer looking for a Blu Ray player the PS3 makes the most sense.

Systems I own (Games)

Sega: Dreamcast (40) , Saturn (25), Genesis (50), Masters System (10), Game Gear (20)

Sony: PS1 (8), PS2 (60) , PS3 (5), PSP (12)

Atari: 2600 (18) , 7800 (10), Lynx (10)

Around the Network

This is exactly how the Ps3 outsold the Wii in Japan in November and everyone was saying "the wii is a fad" but look what's happening now!

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

Really good week for the ps3 but it will still be outpaced by a supply constrained wii.

I think those who discounted the ps3's viability will soon have crow to eat. It's as simple as that.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

daactualfact said:

you idiot! the gap worldwide is getting bigger! the wii has yet to be outsold by ps3 worldwide! (that may happen later on in the year for maybe 2 weeks tops.)

it won't beat wii this week cause of Japan! (kind of how ps3 beats 3600 cause of Japan! in america, the gap may be smaller for a bit, but it will only increase due to the fact that the Wii is more popular in America than the other 2.


There are so many things wrong with this post, if I had the energy I would point them out.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce


how about doing so hmmm?

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
Around the Network
stof said:
I'm sort of glad I didn't make the cut off date in the prediction league. I would have lost a lot of money.

Hell yeah.  I totally agree.  I'm flabbergasted (lol) at Wii PS3 and XBOX 360 sales.

You guys will all see Brawl week. Wii will sell like 300,000.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

I don't doubt it.

I'm very curious to see how Home will move consoles, if at all.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

Home won't move consoles! It's just a downloadable addon not an entirely new game! It will be nice to talk to my friends though. Now only if Nintendo made a Wii home or Wiilivin or something.

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
supermario128 said:
You guys will all see Brawl week. Wii will sell like 300,000.

LOL.  Prepare to eat crow.