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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I loved Extreme G. Should I get F-Zero GX?

I don't know Extreme G, but F-Zero GX is one of the best racers I've ever played, with incredible speeds, beautiful style, and actually exciting gameplay. You should get it.
Especially on the higher difficulties, staying ahead is not an easy task, and will often involve making your opponents crash (which is a great feeling).

100th post!!!

I drink your milkshake.

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f-zero's the best races on gc. By some way imo.

I am seriously hoping for 30 player online F-zero for Wii... and maybe 4 player with friends.

Since I loved Extreme-G and F-Zero GX (and I suck at F-Zero, lol)...YES get F-Zero GX.

The subtle difference between F-Zero and Mario Kart is that Mario Kart is a fun game that involves racing while F-Zero is a racing game that happens to be fun. Xtreme G 1 figured that out and made F-Zero + Weapons + Sound Barrier Breaks but kinda lost its focus after that.

The track itself is the hardest part of the game. The AI doesn't really cheat and suddenly get speed boosts 'cause you're in the lead. It's more likely that the AI knows when to boost, when to turn and can avoid hitting the walls unless pushed there (sometimes by other AI cars.) Meanwhile, you're still trying to figure the course out and bumping against the wall can cost you the 0.0001 seconds you need to grab first place.

And then you get story mode. Either the cheesy acting will make you bust a gut (wish it was subtitled...) or you'll go insane retrying the mission for the 7689576985699th time. But in the good way, where it's really hard but you have no one to blame but yourself. Wait no the AI cheats like mad, but hey it's a story mode, of course they have better cars.

Also, it looks great. Remember in Xtreme G when you manage to break the speed of sound and you get the cool blur effect, and the sound dies out 'cause it can't catch up to you? Yeah, F-Zero GX is like that 'cept the music plays. It FEELS so fast.

Sega's AV division did a great job with this game. I totally suck at this game but I still love it.

Get it, you won't regret the purchase.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

Ooooohhhh yes.Buy it.Now.If you are a speed(tempo-wise) junkie like me,you won't regret it.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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Level 10 - Zeus - Pass 500k

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Level 10 - Titan - Pass 1 Million

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F-Zero GX is the best racing game on the Gamecube. When I first got it, I sucked really bad. It goes really fast and it takes a while to get used to, but in the end, it's a really well made game. I always start crying when I play it because I can't keep my eyes focusing on that fast-paced action for too long, but it's still a great game. The characters are really unique and funny too. The 30 players racing at one time is also genius.

Add me on Xbox Live: TopCat8

This game was too fast for my old eyes.

It's a good game but it always gave me a headache and a dizzy, numb feeling. I warned my 13 year old nephew when he borrowed my GC collection. He normally smiles about my advices like only kids can do, but reg. F-Zero GX he agreed. It was too fast for him, too, and he only played it a few hours. Once, only once, I was right - ha !

Wave Race Blue Storm - that was my kind of game.

Wave Race: Blue Storm is my favourite racer still

It's a proper skill racer and the difficultly level is just perfect for me, I learned at about the same speed I unlocked it, so I found it nicely challenging on normal difficulty, then although I was better at controlling the hard setting was slightly more challenging, and then on expert the same again (I was so much better a rider after completing hard, yet I was slightly more challenged again doing expert)

In fact I never completed it 100% because after the races there is the stunt mode to do... now that was tough, I managed to beat (get the high score) all the normal tracks, and half the hard ones, but thr rest was too tough without more practice.


Wave Race:BS > F-Zero X > F-Zero GX > other racers.