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Forums - Gaming Discussion - When Gamers were gamers not Loyalty fans!

I remeber when I was 7 getting up on a saturday morning and deciding what game I was buying with my pocket money. It didnt matter which system it was on, It mattered if it was good!

You could go to school and say to anyone "Bought such and such, it's crap" and you wouldnt get a reply like "Thats just because you hate Nintendo"

Nowadys People buy a system because they feel they owe a company loyalty. That company could shit in their mouth and they would smile and say "I still love you."

 I hate it worse when a particular system is really struggling for decent games and loyaty fans(with shit in there mouth) say stuff like "It's amazing, just wait in 2 years there will be some really good games"

What the F**K? I dont want to wait 2 years!

When I had a Gamecube I never said stuff like that. I got quite pissed off with Nintendo and bought a PS2.

People are not gamers anymore they are

Company loyalists. 



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If i dont like a system i wont buy it... who the hell would??? if buying a Wii and previously owning a GC makes me a Nintendo fanboy then thats just plain silly!

You think that for example being a loyal Nintendo fan even at the not-so-good times,is stupid? I don't think so.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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well there still are alot of gamers but right now its hard to own three systems,there used to be only two before

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

oliist said:
You think that for example being a loyal Nintendo fan even at the not-so-good times,is stupid? I don't think so.

 are you saying that if Nintendo made a piece of sh** console you would buy it just because you like the company??? there are some strange people in this world.

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People are just way more negative now then when you were 7. The internet is full of negative nancys. It's the old psychology rule... people tear down things to make themselves feel better and believe they are more important because of their purchases. Now that everyone can hide behind a forum, it makes people believe they are bad asses. It's really quite funny, the whole thing, don't ya think?

So what do you win if your prefered console sells more than another?

Its marketing at its finest...

Welcome to the age of drones...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


@Thatmax Yes,i am proud to be one of them. :)

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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LOL I like in your opening post that you slander another particular company :P Anyway, as for the meaning I couldn't agree more. I never purchase a system because it belongs to some company, I purchase a system that I see as the best value, every console has AMAZING games if you look for them. This time around the competition is just a little more heated because two certain consoles have similar goals in mind.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Just so you know, I wasn't slandering a company. I used an eg.

The consoles are never the problem. It's the games or lack of.