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Forums - Sony Discussion - The PS3 Domination Thread, will go on until PS3 overtakes the Wii

Legend11 said:
Ok I figure we should put in the gap between the Wii and PS3. We'll post the gap each month to see how much of it the PS3 has closed. So the gap now is 11.5 million.

::chuckle::  You did start a thread a while ago on how people should stop calling you fanboy or troll right?  And then you do these things.  ::shakes head::.  What was it this time that a lone Sony fan did or said to deserve your retaliation on all PS3 fans?

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

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Lol at the overuse of Sony/PS3 domination.

Guys seriously, are you that desperate, that youre using an ancient term no sane Sony/PS3 supporter would bring up at this point.

This is a grand failure at cracking a joke on the PS3 crowd.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

Munkeh111 said:
I for one think that he is being sarcastic

 It's Legend he  is never sarcastic when it comes to PS3 dominance. It's almost religious the way he continues to believe it even after facts prove him wrong. 

OMG Legend11, you are awesome. You just made me smile in a hard day, I tip my hat to you my friend :)

'The PS3 Domination Thread, will go on until PS3 overtakes the Wii'

"Hold on chaps. The world is coming to an end tomorrow and this thread is still not finished?"


Good to see this site is still going 

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Imthelegend said:
Legend11 said:
Ok I figure we should put in the gap between the Wii and PS3. We'll post the gap each month to see how much of it the PS3 has closed. So the gap now is 11.5 million.
Well last week saw sales of

Wii            438k

PS3           169k

Diff            269k

Over a year thats 13988k or nearly 14m. Not looking too good. 

he is being sarcastic

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

rofl, i love how all those sony boys get mad

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

brute said:
Imthelegend said:
Legend11 said:
Ok I figure we should put in the gap between the Wii and PS3. We'll post the gap each month to see how much of it the PS3 has closed. So the gap now is 11.5 million.
Well last week saw sales of

Wii 438k

PS3 169k

Diff 269k

Over a year thats 13988k or nearly 14m. Not looking too good.

he is being sarcastic

So was I




Haha, awesome thread, lol!

Chill out people, there's nothing wrong with this topic. It's silly but there's still nothing really wrong with this thread.

This thread should be filed under if you don't like it, don't read it. If Legend posted something like OMG Teh PSTRIPPLE SUXXXX!! ITS NEVER GOIN 2 BEAT THE WII LIKEOMGTOTALLYROFLOL!!!! then yes, I would ban him without a moments hesitation, but he didn't.

This thread is no worse than the ones made when Super Paper Mario was first released and people said that the Wii could handle 200+ enemies on screen at once (though only sprites) and having a good laugh with the Wii's power. 

Besides, who knows, the PS3 could beat the Wii one day and who will be laughing then?