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Forums - Sales Discussion - Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 : million seller !!



There is a big problem !! vg chartz give 200 000 ... hmmm... 

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I think they are combining the PC sales. Would be impressive if it was just the PS3 version.

Not just the PS3, it also includes the PC version although both bombed according to various members of this website

Munkeh111 said:
Not just the PS3, it also includes the PC version although both bombed according to various members of this website

 didn't I say a long time ago it didn't bomb. Same with Crysis? Looks like I won that argument. =] 

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

i can't read that article but does it have anything to do with this article.

UTIII ships 1.2 million, Euro PS3 launch on Friday

At long last the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament III will be released on Friday across Europe. Here's your reminder, just in case you forgot - like we did.

Although we've yet to see it, Midway promises us that the launch will be backed by a multi-million Euro marketing campaign. Expect to see gibs flying around on telly (after 9pm). There are also plans to do "hardware bundles", but what this exactly involves, and more importantly how much it would cost, has yet to be revealed.

You can watch our in-game footage of the PS3 version here, under the screenshots.

Martin Spiess, European managing director of Midway, said, "The separated format releases have worked well, effectively giving each sku its own space. It's impossible to overstate the strategic value we place on the Unreal franchise, which is why we're investing considerably in bespoke launches for each of the games' formats."

There's just the matter of the 360 version left then...

edited a bit: this states that 1.2 M units will be shipped (not sold) for the future release of this game.  correct?

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Opinions that UT3 bombed were premature. There is no problem with vgchartz data. It's not possible that PS3 version sold 1 million, some numbers for this version were released by NPD (I think for November) and it wasn't impressive. I don't think that NPD released numbers for December but UT3 was out of top 10.


why would they ship so many if it bombed in NA?

From the article I get that it shipped 1.2M units in North America.

By the way I can't read French.

Well, that news is a fat lie. What sold already 1,2M is PC version US+EU and PS3 US version, not PS3 US alone.

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ssj12 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Not just the PS3, it also includes the PC version although both bombed according to various members of this website

 didn't I say a long time ago it didn't bomb. Same with Crysis? Looks like I won that argument. =] 

 I was being sarcastic, the certain members of this site I was talking about were mostly the 360 fanboys, I just think that the PS3 one did poorly, CoD took away the limelite