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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are Xbox One buyers REALLY paying $100 more for weaker hardware?

mornelithe said:
VanceIX said:
mornelithe said:
VanceIX said:
mornelithe said:
If their only reason behind purchasing an X1 is for the X1, then yes, they're paying 100 extra for weaker hardware. If they're purchasing the X1 for the hardware, microsoft's experience etc... then no, they're not just paying for weaker hardware.

All of Microsoft's 2 generations of experience in the console business? Also, don't things all inherently make the Xbox One the Xbox One? Hardware is pretty much the console lol. Now if you were buying it for Kinect, then you are getting your money's worth. If you are buying it mostly for gaming, you really aern't. 

Edit: unless of course you like the exclusives so much that the extra $100 is no biggie. 

Yeah, the 10+ years of Microsofts console has quite a few fans, you know.  o.O

As for the rest, the hardware is weaker, if the OP is comparing it to the PS4, I don't understand why this is such a problem for so many people.

And Sony has 20+ years of experience and Nintendo has 30+ years of experience, if that's a deciding factor. Also, the post was about whether or not you are paying  more for less in terms of power, and you are. That's what the entire topic is about. 

The question wasn't about Sony or Nintendo's experience in the industry, the question is whether people are paying more for less hardware, to which I proposed an alternate reasoning, which is the experience of Microsofts system.  You may not like it, hell, I may not like it.  But there are actually people out there who value XBL, the servers, the community, the games etc... over that of Microsoft's competitors.  Now, I can't attach a dollar figure to that, but some people may in fact be able to justify spending $100 extra for that experience.  That's all I'm saying.

And yes, all that aside, the hardware is weaker.  We've known this for a long time now, so it's not a huge revelation.  I was merely presenting a scenario where it wasn't just the power inside the machine that people are factoring into their decision to purchase the X1.

I'll agree with you on that. I was just making my point on the forum topic. It's been beaten to death, sure, but just giving my 2 cents

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VanceIX said:
mornelithe said:
VanceIX said:
mornelithe said:
If their only reason behind purchasing an X1 is for the X1, then yes, they're paying 100 extra for weaker hardware. If they're purchasing the X1 for the hardware, microsoft's experience etc... then no, they're not just paying for weaker hardware.

All of Microsoft's 2 generations of experience in the console business? Also, don't things all inherently make the Xbox One the Xbox One? Hardware is pretty much the console lol. Now if you were buying it for Kinect, then you are getting your money's worth. If you are buying it mostly for gaming, you really aern't. 

Edit: unless of course you like the exclusives so much that the extra $100 is no biggie. 

Yeah, the 10+ years of Microsofts console has quite a few fans, you know.  o.O

As for the rest, the hardware is weaker, if the OP is comparing it to the PS4, I don't understand why this is such a problem for so many people.

And Sony has 20+ years of experience and Nintendo has 30+ years of experience, if that's a deciding factor. Also, the post was about whether or not you are paying  more for less in terms of power, and you are. That's what the entire topic is about. 

Perhaps the sexy author of the OP could have worded it better but really, the entire thread is about Xbox One being weaker but costing more than the PS4 because of all of the extra crap Microsoft throws in the box.  They aren't paying more for weaker hardware.  The console itself might be exactly the same as the PS4 or possibly even cheaper if it weren't for Kinect.  

I think it completely depends on the consumer. If you are only buying an Xbox One for games then yes you are probably paying $100 more for weaker hardware—excluding exclusive of course. However, if you like the Kinect and the extra features the X1 has you aren't paying $100 more for weaker hardware because it might be weaker in terms of gaming but the consumer is buying it for uses other than gaming.

d21lewis said:
petroleo said:

The Xbox is a BIG console. You probably get like $20 more in the extra plastic and power brick alone. Sony gives you some generic power cord.
^^^^^ Sarcasm ?  Yes, sarcasm.  The turns out, the Xbox One ain't even that much bigger than the PS4.

You get a REAL headset. The PS4 came with some flimsy wire with an ear bud on the end.
^^^^^ really a Headset ? want to start a disscusion with that ? hehe  Sure.  Why not?  It's true, isn't it?  

The Xbox One comes with the new Kinect. Hate it or love it, the original Kinect cost like $150.
^^^^^ mmmm ok moving on.  Okay.

The Xbox One has apps that the PS4 doesn't, yet.
^^^^^ aww cool ? I thought It was about the games, still what apps are talking about, I'm sure if those apps were great I think those would make more buzzz  No.  It's not about games.  Whatever gave you that idea?  Greatness is a matter of opinion.  A dedicated Youtube app, for example.  Even the 3DS has that and the PS4 doesn't.  Don't believe me?  Go check it out!  In fact, just to make sure that what I'm posting is accurate, I checked the store on my PS4 just now.  Not only was there no Youtube app, I went to Youtube with the browser and I couldn't even use that to watch videos!  It says I need to update my flash player.  Of course you can watch youtube on any device so it's not a game breaker.  It's just that Wii U/Xbox One owners can pause their game, go to youtube and look at a guide, and then come back to their game if they wanted to.  

The Xbox One has an IR blaster that can control your TV and stuff right out of the box (The Wii U controller can control your TV, too. Just saying.). The PS4 can't.
^^^^^^^ cool a remote control *insert sad face*  I agree.  It's IS cool!  A bit of a big deal for me now that I've gotten used to it.

The Xbox One has that HDMI IN that pretty much gives you an extra HDMI port for your TV AND lets you integrate functions into your console.
^^^^ lag ?  Only if I plug in another console for games from what I've seen.  I use the HDMI IN for TV and there's no lag on that--and if there is, I don't notice it.  It works great.

The PS4 doesn't come with a free month of PS Plus (even the PS3 I got on Black Friday came with that!) but it does come with a $10 PSN voucher.
^^^^ really comparing PSN plus mmm ok, I will just go to my instant game collection :) You mean we can just go to OUR instant game collections. I'm a PS4 owner just like you (You do own one, right?), fellow Sony brother! Add me to your PS4 friend's list so we can play together.  My PSN ID is in the sig.  :)


And I wrote this BEFORE I was an Xbox One owner, too.  Grabbed the Titanfall bundle. I stand by what I said (including the sarcasm) now more than ever because I even got Titanfall packed in the box and six weeks of XBL Gold!


Check me out, yo!

You're enterntainment area is cluttered with a lot of useless looking black boxes :| you should clean it up.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

VanceIX said:
mornelithe said:
VanceIX said:
mornelithe said:
VanceIX said:
mornelithe said:
If their only reason behind purchasing an X1 is for the X1, then yes, they're paying 100 extra for weaker hardware. If they're purchasing the X1 for the hardware, microsoft's experience etc... then no, they're not just paying for weaker hardware.

All of Microsoft's 2 generations of experience in the console business? Also, don't things all inherently make the Xbox One the Xbox One? Hardware is pretty much the console lol. Now if you were buying it for Kinect, then you are getting your money's worth. If you are buying it mostly for gaming, you really aern't. 

Edit: unless of course you like the exclusives so much that the extra $100 is no biggie. 

Yeah, the 10+ years of Microsofts console has quite a few fans, you know.  o.O

As for the rest, the hardware is weaker, if the OP is comparing it to the PS4, I don't understand why this is such a problem for so many people.

And Sony has 20+ years of experience and Nintendo has 30+ years of experience, if that's a deciding factor. Also, the post was about whether or not you are paying  more for less in terms of power, and you are. That's what the entire topic is about. 

The question wasn't about Sony or Nintendo's experience in the industry, the question is whether people are paying more for less hardware, to which I proposed an alternate reasoning, which is the experience of Microsofts system.  You may not like it, hell, I may not like it.  But there are actually people out there who value XBL, the servers, the community, the games etc... over that of Microsoft's competitors.  Now, I can't attach a dollar figure to that, but some people may in fact be able to justify spending $100 extra for that experience.  That's all I'm saying.

And yes, all that aside, the hardware is weaker.  We've known this for a long time now, so it's not a huge revelation.  I was merely presenting a scenario where it wasn't just the power inside the machine that people are factoring into their decision to purchase the X1.

I'll agree with you on that. I was just making my point on the forum topic. It's been beaten to death, sure, but just giving my 2 cents

And believe me, I'm 100% with you on all of it.  I was just trying to respond without it being Har Har Har, Weak Box! :) (Not that you were, but I was trying to come up with something else hah).

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Not buying one until the Kinect isn't something I have to pay for.