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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are Xbox One buyers REALLY paying $100 more for weaker hardware?

While this thread was partly joking and partly serious, the point of it is that the Xbox One costs $500 because of all the crap M$ packed into the box and not because they're charging more for less power. If the crap in the box doesn't appeal to you, that's fine.

On a different note, a tree fell on my home about a week ago because of a horrible storm. I just got the insurance check today and my contractor says it's more than enough to cover the repairs. Add that to the bonus I get every year in March and I think I'm gonna buy an Xbox One tomorrow. Then I'll once again own every console on the market! Is that Titanfall bundle/Price thingy going to be in the USA, too?

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Remember the days when people bought a system because they like what it has to offer? These days now, you get made fun of for even considering purchasing a product. "LOL why you plan to buy a weaker console?!!1! u so dumb, noob"

I'd rather keep the $100 than what you mentioned. Though yeah, Sony really cheaped out on the headset.

d21lewis said:
While this thread was partly joking and partly serious, the point of it is that the Xbox One costs $500 because of all the crap M$ packed into the box and not because they're charging more for less power. If the crap in the box doesn't appeal to you, that's fine.

On a different note, a tree fell on my home about a week ago because of a horrible storm. I just got the insurance check today and my contractor says it's more than enough to cover the repairs. Add that to the bonus I get every year in March and I think I'm gonna buy an Xbox One tomorrow. Then I'll once again own every console on the market! Is that Titanfall bundle/Price thingy going to be in the USA, too?

i really cant find solid info about it b/c everyone is ignoring fact and just arguing and mocking MS for the price drop


US has the TF edition console (which is just a diffrent box console is the same color and all) and with TF digital aswell as 30 days of live for $500 dont know if 30 days of live came with all xb1 though.  also dont know if you can walk into any game retailer buy a standard xb1 and get a physical copy of TF for free which many are impling today with there high projictions for HW and TF SW if its just the special edition TF bundle that is $500 i dont see any meaniful sales boost for either HW and SW as most of the time these SE bundles are limited in supply and all the regular green model XB1 that are $500 will still see high shelf time as they did in Jan


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BHR-3 said:
d21lewis said:
While this thread was partly joking and partly serious, the point of it is that the Xbox One costs $500 because of all the crap M$ packed into the box and not because they're charging more for less power. If the crap in the box doesn't appeal to you, that's fine.

On a different note, a tree fell on my home about a week ago because of a horrible storm. I just got the insurance check today and my contractor says it's more than enough to cover the repairs. Add that to the bonus I get every year in March and I think I'm gonna buy an Xbox One tomorrow. Then I'll once again own every console on the market! Is that Titanfall bundle/Price thingy going to be in the USA, too?

i really cant find solid info about it b/c everyone is ignoring fact and just arguing and mocking MS for the price drop


US has the TF edition console (which is just a diffrent box console is the same color and all) and with TF digital aswell as 30 days of live for $500 dont know if 30 days of live came with all xb1 though.  also dont know if you can walk into any game retailer buy a standard xb1 and get a physical copy of TF for free which many are impling today with there high projictions for HW and TF SW if its just the special edition TF bundle that is $500 i dont see any meaniful sales boost for either HW and SW as most of the time these SE bundles are limited in supply and all the regular green model XB1 that are $500 will still see high shelf time as they did in Jan

There is no way that can be true. It would be retailer specific. Titanfall Xb1 Bundle is just a game bundle. They aren't giving away TitanFall for free.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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FlamingWeazel said:
Landguy said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Also might i add, that in order for xbox to be worth the extra 500 bucks that consumers needto find value in it. Most dont find value with Kinect so that doesnt make it worth an extra 100 bucks. The extra hdmi input is moot since most peopledont use more than they have

How do you know that most don't find value in it?

I have an XB1 and I find value in it.  You clearly don't have one and are making statements that those that do don't care for it. 

You also claim that the headset only came after an outcry.  True, M$ may have intended to not include it, but they never shipped a unit without one did they?

Umm sales show most don't see the value in it.Most of it is gimmicks or things people simply don't need.

Highest launch in history for Xbox, on the only system thats launched with a Kinect-like peripheral inflating the price.

Sales demonstrate very clearly that millions see value in it.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

"The Xbox is a BIG console. You probably get like $20 more in the extra plastic and power brick alone. Sony gives you some generic power cord."

I think Xbox One is built more quality too,. At least the impression I got/get is PS4 has more reliability problems, is louder and less refined, looks and feels cheaper. The DS4 has quality problems, etc.

Now you could probably argue that it's smarter to skimp a little on quality to hit a 399 price and pack in more power too, as Ps4 did.

Microsoft was so spooked by RROD they overbuilt the One, and yes I think it probably adds like $20 to the cost vs PS4.

They buy the X1 becuse they believe it will have more games that they like, or they want to own the next Xbox console because they liked the 360, or they feel it will fit them better for other reasons. That's the bottom line. The price-tag is higher because of things such as the Kinect, but it's fair in my opinion.

One could say that they both "force" headsets on-to-us, since I won't be using any headset as I don't play game online nor chat.

One thing however that I don't like is how some companies actually force us to buy their special hardware, such as special made cables and stuff like that. This is one thing I really, really, really don't like. Apple, MS and many other companies do this. Sony is more open to third party hardware and I think this is really good. I can buy a cheap ass HDMI cable for my PS3 if I want to but for the 360 I had to buy their cable, for example.

Euphoria14 said:
"PS3 is better than the 360 because it comes with a bluray player inside which adds hundreds to the value. Go and try to find a bluray player under $800.

PS3 is worth the $600 and is actually incredible value compared to 360."

- PS3 fans (2007)

I see a resemblance here as well. But, Blu-ray was something that MS should have gone with too, or at least HD-DVD, which was just pointless to support in the first place. Everything pointed to that BD would be the "next" medium.

Comparing Kinect with BD is not very fair in my opinion. And the BD in the PS3 did indeed add value to the price, as it was one of the best BD players you could find for a long time.

It would be exactly like comparing N64 game cartridges with CD on the PSX and Saturn. The only difference however is that MS partially supported the HD-DVD for some very odd reason.

But yes the resemblance is funny in a way. And I'm not defending either sides really, MS wants to support and use the Kinect so they have it in the box, it's their thing that they believe in and I have nothing against that at all. I don't think they are forcing anything on the consumers, it's something they will use. MS don't want it to fail, they want it to grow and be something that people use, so of course they will not drop it.

But like I said BD vs. Kinect I don't think is fair.

Areal-Llort said:
Remember the days when people bought a system because they like what it has to offer? These days now, you get made fun of for even considering purchasing a product. "LOL why you plan to buy a weaker console?!!1! u so dumb, no

  The main driver for this in  my mind anyway  is the similarities of both systems  "and to think they called the PS360 the hardware twins !" , it's this similarity in both hardware and library that drives some people to take that attitude further than they  should.

Then you end up with justification threads like this that just prolong a debate that needs to dry up and blow away ,

I own all 3 consoles and  all of them have an intrinsic value to me that goes beyond  rrp .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

d21lewis said:

  • The PS4 doesn't come with a free month of PS Plus (even the PS3 I got on Black Friday came with that!) but it does come with a $10 PSN voucher. 

lucky that time my asia region PS4 pre-order does come with a free month PS Plus redeem code...