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Forums - General Discussion - This is messed up...

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The last one looks like a three toed sloth.

The one at 1:01 is the most horrible.

I now believe in aliens:D

ecurbj said:
I now believe in aliens:D

That's the most common response on it's comments, I've seen a lot of videos, this one is one of the most messed up ones, if all of them are fake, then some of them are really really well done fakes.

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I believe they are out there, but also I believe in the rare earth theory, so if they do exist the chances are they will take the next 10million years coming here, so unless they knew about us before we were here I doubt they exist on earth... although I'm not saying they don't.

I love this stuff. I believe they are out there as well. The chances of them having similar humonoid body though is very unlikely to me. I wonder if they have actually visited earth though.

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

I have no problem believeing there is other life out there, and of course intelligent life, but none of those pictures could convince me of anything, none looked any more real than Smeagol [sp?] and considering some of those were likely prosthetic rather than the CGI of Smeagol.

If our bodies have evolved through our development and how we used them over time, then why wouldn't their bodies look similar if they have reached supreme intelligence?
What else could they possibly look like if they did the same things as us such as build and use computers? (which they would of in order reach where they are)

It's actually not too difficult or expensive to create one of those things, certainly very do-able for people who work in Special Effects. It's their job to make it seem real and it's easy to fool people who want to believe.