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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - My first day with the Wii U - Impressions. [Spoiler: It's good.]

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well your getting alot of platformers, DK is really good! Definetly get pikmin 3 and try out W101. Look at amazon they have some games for cheap there ($25-$35) for ZombiU+W101 at times!

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If your on the fence about what game to get next I'd recommend Wonderful 101, imo a must buy for Wii U owners and you can get it for $30 now.

Good to hear you're enjoying the Wii U! Its gotten so much unnecessary hate since even before day it launched. The Wii U has so many great games such as The Wonderful 101 ($30), Lego City Undercover, Rayman Legends, and many more.

Well, I haven't turned mine on in over a month. Let me know if you're still glad you have it in a couple months.

I'm glad you're enjoying it. I picked up the Wii U this week and have been enjoying the hell out of it!

WiiU = RobSkillzz

3DS code = 4613-8228-9784

Xbox One = RobSkillzz

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Congrats on the Wii U man.

Although, you were impressed with WWHD's graphics, but not Mario 3D World's? Odd.

What do you think of the browser compared to the PS4? Controllers (you grabbed a Pro, right?) compared to the DS4? How do the games stack up?

I've got a PS4 and Wii U too so I already formed my own impressions but I like hearing other people's opinions!

Welcome aboard! Yeah, I remember when I got Wii U at launch - took me about a week to really get used to it but now it's my favorite (love the dual analog stick placement aligned at the top) definitely give Nintendo Land a whirl, as it's a great way to break you into various different control schemes.

VitroBahllee said:
Well, I haven't turned mine on in over a month. Let me know if you're still glad you have it in a couple months.

Dude...get Donkey Kong. 

Lucky you, the one feature I wish would work for my WiiU is that TV Remote but its not compatible with either of my TVs =(