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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Peter Molyneux promises advanced AI

ArtofAngels -

How long have you been playing video games for? Do you remember when 10 years ago, 3d pathfinding for enemies was so stupid, they would merely "lock on" to your character, and attempt to attack. In games such as Tomb Raider, if you were on a higher elevation than melee enemies, they were automatically dead, since they couldn't pathfind to your location.

Now, that's never, ever the case. AI is much better - not only do they have excellent pathfinding, but can stalk, flank, and outmaneuver your characters - all thanks to the faster CPUs allowing for more AI abilities.

Go look at Radiant AI from Oblivion - NPCs have their own work schedules, and can preform various economic functions, work at jobs, have fairly decent pathfinding abilities, and a host of other things. Did last-gen games have that level of AI complexity? No. Heck, half of the reason Oblivion was delayed from November 2005 to March 2006 was because the AI was "too complex" and would steal from the player character, hide it away, and grow too wealthy, taking over entire towns because the AI was "too smart".

That's why AI is very important - the better the AI, the more NPCs, enemies, squadmates, and various characters will have in games, and the more onscreen can complete important, complex tasks, making games "more real".

Because maybe you like it, but I prefer offline games with squadmates that don't act stupid - its real easy to play many FPS/TPS games in co-op with a real live player because they rarely make stupid mistakes that AI squadmates do. With better AI, this dissapears.

As for Peter's comment - I have very little faith in him. Fable 1 was supposed to have all kinds of revolutionary content, but it didn't.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Some developpers praised the PS3, others the Xbox360. Strangely, people making a PS3 exclusive game, praise the PS3 and people making a Xbox360 game praise the Xbox360 ..............................................................

During the CoD4 developpment, they said Xbox360 was laking of hard drive and the PS3 has a limited IA capacity but at the end, the 2 games are similar !

u said,
""And since you admit that the PS3 development cycle is longer, shouldn't that mean that maybe the X360 can do some things better?""

==> that could suggest it, that could ...
I just think it is still too early to judge these 2 consoles in term of
"maximum capacity".

Time to Work !

omgwtfbbq said:
libellule said:
Ur second part is BS, sorry

Stop ur shit about the PS3 not able to handle IA. You are just picking (again !) the old Ubisoft comment during the CoD4 developement :

"the best know example" TRANSLATE : "THE ONLY KNOW EXAMPLE" !

and I m waiting for the big Peter's revelation and big IA improvement,
Maybe a good surprise for the Xbox360.

And your evidence is?

The truth is Cell is a specialised processor, meaning it is much stronger than a general processor in some areas and weaker in others. One of the areas where Cell is weaker is AI. The general structure of AI code is very branchy, while the general structure of physics and graphics code is very calculation oriented. You can't improve your performance one way without sacrificing it in the other.

The Xbox 360 CPU is also geared more towards calculations than branches, but not nearly as much as the Cell.



Prepare to be attacked by people who don't even know what a branch is, but who still think the Cell is the be-all-end-all in modern CPU design.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957


The theory goes that interaction with enemies and allies can be deeper and more sophisticated or challenging. Think back to how great goldeneye 64 was, then think about the same thing if you hadn't been able to predict every single move the enemy soldiers were about to make.
In the case of Fable 2, its Moleneux's hope to generate emotion through lifelike simulation of human-canine interaction. Here's hoping that it will work. Though despite being better than the PS3 at AI creation, I'm not sure either of these consoles are powerful enough to generate non-story and dialogue related emotion simply through AI. Then again, Peter is very creative, so we will see what he comes up with.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

NJ5 said:
omgwtfbbq said:
libellule said:
Ur second part is BS, sorry

Stop ur shit about the PS3 not able to handle IA. You are just picking (again !) the old Ubisoft comment during the CoD4 developement :

"the best know example" TRANSLATE : "THE ONLY KNOW EXAMPLE" !

and I m waiting for the big Peter's revelation and big IA improvement,
Maybe a good surprise for the Xbox360.

And your evidence is?

The truth is Cell is a specialised processor, meaning it is much stronger than a general processor in some areas and weaker in others. One of the areas where Cell is weaker is AI. The general structure of AI code is very branchy, while the general structure of physics and graphics code is very calculation oriented. You can't improve your performance one way without sacrificing it in the other.

The Xbox 360 CPU is also geared more towards calculations than branches, but not nearly as much as the Cell.



Prepare to be attacked by people who don't even know what a branch is, but who still think the Cell is the be-all-end-all in modern CPU design.


Cue MikeB

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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lol Molyneux announces great AI improvements for its next game. I think I have heard this before.

"Numerous developers have stated that the Xbox 360 has a clear advantage in AI"

eh, to be correct multiple developers have stated that the AI routines of games originally developed on the 360 could not be easily ported to the PS3. Small but significant difference . The PS3 SPUs have lots of room for all AI functions you can imagine but developers may need to adapt some algorithms.

Read the link Kyros, Ubisoft reckons PS3 exclusivity wouldnt alter it's AI limitations.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

He's promised alot, I really hope he can deliver.



It'll be awesome if he does.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Watching you people fight makes my day. lol

there's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot