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NJ5 said:
omgwtfbbq said:
libellule said:
Ur second part is BS, sorry

Stop ur shit about the PS3 not able to handle IA. You are just picking (again !) the old Ubisoft comment during the CoD4 developement :

"the best know example" TRANSLATE : "THE ONLY KNOW EXAMPLE" !

and I m waiting for the big Peter's revelation and big IA improvement,
Maybe a good surprise for the Xbox360.

And your evidence is?

The truth is Cell is a specialised processor, meaning it is much stronger than a general processor in some areas and weaker in others. One of the areas where Cell is weaker is AI. The general structure of AI code is very branchy, while the general structure of physics and graphics code is very calculation oriented. You can't improve your performance one way without sacrificing it in the other.

The Xbox 360 CPU is also geared more towards calculations than branches, but not nearly as much as the Cell.



Prepare to be attacked by people who don't even know what a branch is, but who still think the Cell is the be-all-end-all in modern CPU design.


Cue MikeB

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