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Forums - Sony Discussion - it´s Home really going to take of?...

It'll be interesting to see how it develops and how much it gets used. As it stands I don't know how much (and I doubt there's a lot) overlap there is between the community that is addicted to things like Second Life and the community of hardcore gamers who currently own PS3s.

Though it's basically a chat room and/or a forum and those are always popular.

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i agree with most of you... i think it wont be a system seller... but at least its an improvement and that is always good, well most of the time at least...

Maybe it would be nice to find Vgchartz people down there and comunicate in a diferent way.... a VGchartz Frathouse o something like that...

Yeap... this is Lavos...

it will make clan gaming/meetings easier.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Originally I thought that it would be a huge system seller/ awesome and much loved feature. But as time goes on and the thing still isn't released, I'm more and more inclined to think that it just didn't work out the way Sony wanted it. Maybe it'd the microtransactions pissing people off or maybe it's the troubles with content and child safety, but it seems like Sony is having trouble with home.

Now I'm curious to see just how much Sony will support home once it's out.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

stof said:
Originally I thought that it would be a huge system seller/ awesome and much loved feature. But as time goes on and the thing still isn't released, I'm more and more inclined to think that it just didn't work out the way Sony wanted it. Maybe it'd the microtransactions pissing people off or maybe it's the troubles with content and child safety, but it seems like Sony is having trouble with home.

Now I'm curious to see just how much Sony will support home once it's out.

 child safety? people wont be stupid enough to get their entire PS3 banned from the PSN.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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I am not much into the "virtual world" avatar type stuff like home. But when it comes out I will definately be tweaking around with it. I think it will help quite a bit in warhawk, where you can gather together you clan and then all go into a sony server (that has almost 0 people) at the same time.

Home's potential is limitless.

This, along with Blu-ray, will play huge factor when choosing a next gen format. Its really the beginning of the new internet and the end of menu's. It will only grow and grow over time, and once the install base is large enough I think we will see even larger companies getting involved.

If it doesn't flop and is completely functional, it could be a primary selling point of the PS3 (for mainstream buyers, not "hardcore" fans).
Even casuals would love to hop on Home and go bowling or play classic games in the arcade. Poker tournaments, pool, the works.

i'd guess it'd be just like second life. Not super popular and most people won't touch it after a couple days but it will have a small community of backers that will keep it ineresting.

Which is all you'll need. Some freaks will probably just buy PS3 shoveware to get something cool looking it has in it's "achievements".

Two options : either it will take off incredibly , making it the second XBL , or it will bomb terrible . I think it will take off , and most online PS3 owners will use it . Maybe the user ammount could reach LT to 50 million :D But thats just a dream :P

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