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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 Japan launch CELEBRATION (It's here!) - Predictions closed!

I will go with 500k but i will not be suprised if it do 600k

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

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350k fw

What are people basing their high predictions on? I don't think using the past is an example is smart especially wit a weak launch line up. Do we know any amount of pre orders?

areason said:
What are people basing their high predictions on? I don't think using the past is an example is smart especially wit a weak launch line up. Do we know any amount of pre orders?

Mine was 643k because I think theres about 600k stock missing from Jan/Feb sales and 43 is my lucky number XD.


       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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Not enough appealing software for this launch, going with a
modest 243k week 1.

AZWification said:


Oh no you've cursed it now :(.

I'll say 600k if low supply 800k if larger.
And over a million within a week.

Well, is there any info on how many will be available? I could say 600k, but for what I know only 300k could be available.

750k first week