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Forums - General Discussion - Who is the funniest vgchartz member?

I think weezy.

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Definetly Weezy

pichu_pichu said:
Definetly aj_habfan

Why thank you - I have to agree.

yeah weezy makes me laugh. So do AoA, stof, leo-j, rol, twesterm and Highwaystar101.

But weezy the most :)

Weezy.... He's one crazy crazy guy

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Weezy is good, this is true.
He is funnier than me or you.

Even though I especially like his sig,
My vote has to go to Mr. RocketPig.

Personally I like those funny faces that are advertised sometimes at the bottom of the screen. lol.

Weezy really isnt funny. He posts random hysterical you-tube clips and articles that make me laugh, but that isnt his own humor.

The one I would have to say is the funniest is rocketpig. He comes up with his own material and it is clever, wity, and humerous.

TheSource hands down.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Weezy followed close by RocketPig,weezy have some crazy threads and is irreverent with all things,and RocketPig threads are funny with that crazy headed lines :)