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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Titanfall Gameplay videos for maps, more pictures, all 15 maps in final game

Man the more I play / hear about this game the better it gets.

Hype levels hitting critical mass.

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Now that I've had a chance to play it, I have to say all the concerns expressed about the game being sub-1080p are groundless. I'd be happy if they didn't improve it further. It looks a lot better than any of the still images I've seen posted.

Only thing will piss me off is if some of the maps are on the disc but are in fact DLC (like Bioshock 2, etc...)

Can't wait to play this on my laptop.

15 map at launch is phemonenal.

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I doubt it has 15 maps at launch. I would think 8-10 maps at launch, rest being map packs. After all didn't there was a rumor that said the game has a lack of content (someone paraphrased Ethomaz)?

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Slimebeast said:
I doubt it has 15 maps at launch. I would think 8-10 maps at launch, rest being map packs. After all didn't there was a rumor that said the game has a lack of content (someone paraphrased Ethomaz)?

No, there was a 16 map rumor though. And now we know there's 15 from just the beta files. There isnt Day One dlc on Titanfall so any other maps are what comes in an add on download. 1st DLC will be in like May or late April.

I guess it will be less than 12 maps at launch... the others are planned to DLC post release.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit I didn't know it was possible to get more excited than how incredible the beta plays but holy shit those weapons and perks look amazing. Gonna upgrade my Titan punch and roll with a shotgun and just get all up in other Titans faces.

The list did say Titan shotgun before. No worries though if its not in there, rail gun ftw.

Ryuu96 said:

Artbook confirms maps/levels it includes Colony, Boneyard, Corporate, Overlook, Nexus, Airbase, Outpost 207 and Lagoon so i'm guessing they will be in the full game since there in the art book! Updated Op with information on the maps (O2 is also in the artbook but called a different name, updated OP)

It looks like Smugglers Cove, Relic, Rise, O2 and Training Ground aren't in the artbook

I think the only ones in the artbook are campaign maps.