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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 destroys 360 in others.

It's a measure of just how clueless Microsoft's top management is that they don't seem to care that they're getting absolutely annihilated in Europe/others. This matters, because this is the true growth pole for console sales. Eastern Europe, Russia, Latin America, urban China are going to get filthy rich over the next ten years, and these consumers will be more inclined to pick up a Wii (affordable now, great games, reliable machine) or a PS3 (quality BluRay player, great games, reliable machine) than a 360.

Price drops won't help at this point. Sony has cost-reduced the PS3 to the point where they could easily match any decreases.

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News Starter pack in PAL could explain the 10k bonus for the PS3 in Others

"thx" Weezy for creating flamewar thread like this one !

Time to Work !

Look, the 360 has plenty to offer (There will be a sequel to Gears, and let's not forget Ninja Gaiden) to keep me busy at the end of this year, Hopefully. It's a good thing that I have a PS3 though.


Legend11 said:
All it would take is one price drop for the 360 to remove any gains made by the PS3.

Ye, you are right, it would take one price drop for the 360 to remove any gains made by the PS3 in Europe.  But the pricedrop would have to be pretty significant.  The Elite console would need to drop to around £199, which is a huge 33% reduction.  The Arcade version is a waste and unless it's like £99, that won't make a difference...and the mid-tabled Premium would also need to drop by 30%+.

This is the only way that MS will shift units in Europe now....they need to become ridiculously cheap by comparison and such a good deal to miss.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

LOL at this thread

LOL @ Weezy.

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SlumsofOhio said:
Look, the 360 has plenty to offer (There will be a sequel to Gears, and let's not forget Ninja Gaiden) to keep me busy at the end of this year, Hopefully. It's a good thing that I have a PS3 though.

Exactly, so Weezy, what AAA exclusives will be appearing in the next 6 months to counter MGS4, Killzone2 and LBP?  Nothing that we know about...that is unless they have secretly been working on AAA exclusives for about a year now and they are due to be released in the next few months?

Aye right!

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

microsoft really need some serious cards to pick up again.
months ago i nearly bought 360, too tempted by gears of war and bioshock. suddenly my brother decide to upgrade his pc, n i get to play the games in his pc :D

and i am pretty sure halo3 will b ported to pc someday.
microsoft need some exclusives and unique games like ps3, such as uncharted, mgs4, ff13, the list goes on

weezy said:
^ or a couple AAA, 360 exclusives

Remember PPL Microsoft can never lose... they have too much money.

Microsoft desides when they lose.

 Ahh, much like Chuck Norris then...

I think we're beginning to see the gap that half our community predicted tbh. 

Microsoft has done a good job in Europe .Worlwide launch ,the games arrive quick and most of them traducted ,the machine launched early ...

The problem it has is that it was an uphill battle from the word go ....the MS brand is bad regarded in Europe generally ,the Xbox 1 was more or less a flop and people didnt want to bet on it ,the Live fees although small will definitely put it outside the mass market at least as long as there are machines that do the same (or nearly the same ) as the PS3 and the Wii ,and the RROD thing hasnt helped a bit .

I am a Xbox owner and my first intention was to buy the 360 but the online fees ,the weaker japanese support ,and the RROD definitely put me out of this machine .And other people that didnt even bother with the Xbox one are way less probable being tempted by the machine .

Frankly ,Sony brand name here is nearly intact and the bad MS brand cant touch it .Many people in continental Europe doesnt even know the 360 exists and between those who know most are/were PS2 owners and were happy with Sony so are naturally betting for the PS3 .The fact that most 360 games can be played in the PC (and for free as PC piratery is huge here ) doesnt attract many people with the exclusives .

And its not a price problem .If they put the 360 dirty cheap they can get some extra sales for some weeks as myself who would probably buy one (but not subscribe to Live ) but they wouldnt get to the mass market nonetheless .The PS2 was more expensive that the Xbox1 for most of its lifecycle and it destroyed it nonetheless .

CrazzyMan said:
PS3 was outselling Wii in first 2 January weeks!

And you speak only about x360. LoL. =))

Yes this is great. The PS3 outsells the Wii two weeks in a row, by 17k total, and then the next four weeks the Wii outsells the PS3 by more than 30k each week, and sometimes as much as 60k!

But yes, the 360 has a lot of work to do.