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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global SW & HW UP!! - Week ending Feb 8 (ADJUSTMENTS - PS4 157k, X1 54k, WiiU 36k - PS4 64% marketshare)

Mr Puggsly said:

Yes, yes it does.

I'm pointing to signs that Sony fans are rushing to get the PS4.

You would have being right had it being november and december but that boat has mostly shipped.

Some people seem to believe its primarily 360 fans jumping ship. That just isn't logical.

Depends on what you mean by "fans". If he was talking about the hardcore loyalist then no but it's quite clear that average xbox 360 users are moving to the PS4 based on january NPD numbers.

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I really would like to bring something to your discussion, guys, about the "jump out" thing, but since in France nobody really like xbox, nothing really changed. Well I know the gap is larger now but it probably doesn't help you.

fatslob-:O said:
Mr Puggsly said:
fatslob-:O said:
Mr Puggsly said:
wick said:
Mr Puggsly said:

We already know what's stealing X1 sales, the price. Its deterring Xbox 360 fans from upgrading.

I know a heap of Xbox360 fans who have already upgraded.


To a PS4.

Oh yeah, that makes sense. Everyone who owned a 360 now owns a PS4.

Thanks for your anecdotal evidence.

He said a heap and this months NPD report just further proves his claims.

Sony said 60% of PS4 owners have a Vita?

Assuming that's true, that's an indication most avid Sony fans are buying the PS4.

Still doesn't make your case any better. January is where all the hype has died down so NPD numbers for this month still a valid evidence for his claims.

I think fatslob is right. Not that I alone indicate an entire market, but I've been in the Xbox camp since the of xbox. I've got a ps4.(tho I do have a ps3 too, was a mainly 360 guy), when I heard all the anti consumer bs from ms, and then the price and specs, I went and pre ordered a ps4 in June of 2013. Gamers go where the grass is greener, in this case, a more powerful console, for less, and without that useless kinect that I absolutely hated on the 360. So if a diehard 360 fan can switch as easily as I did, I think any of them can....

Justagamer said:
Zero999 said:
Xevross said:
zumnupy10 said:
KBG29 said:
PS4 is on a freaking roll. After the Japan launch we should see 250K or more every week. Looks like they will have well over 500k consoles for launch in Japan.

Will be interesting to see how things go once Live TV, VOD, PPV, and PSNow hit the US in the summer. Add on E3, Gamescom, and TGS which should be packed with game announcements, and PlayStation looks like it has a massive amount of content to push this gap even further.

I really doubt PS4 will sell more than 20K weekly in Japan. 

Even if the PS4 doesn't sell that much in Japan, sales will still rise more because right now they're saving stock for Japan launch, after it they will have more to sell WW.

they won't need much stock for japan launch.

Basically. Though it will sell several hundred thousand upon launch. But will most likely not be selling 80k per week after the launch period... 

bolded: no

Justagamer said:
Blood_Tears said:
Justagamer said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:

PS4 with 61% marketshare this week...without Japan

japan won't be very relevant in that percentage for more than 2 weeks.

Haha, want to bet? PS4 should sell more in its third week in Japan than WiiU WW that week, barring complete sellouts and lack of stock.

You will regret it. it may even be hard for ps4's japan 3rd week to compete with wii u's japanese sales for the same week.

Alright. Conditions?

sounds straight forward. I win if ps4 week 3 in japan < Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

you win if I win if ps4 week 3 in japan > Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

I agree with zero, the ps4 won't lght Japan on fire. The ps3 sold like 1.5 million a year there? Wow that's massive.....

So whatever happened last gen automatically locks in the trends of the new gen?    Great logic you have there..

I'm sorry if my "opinion" doesn't match up to yours! But if you look at the last gen, the wii sold pretty well and didn't set Japan on fire either. PS3 sold pretty slow too. I'm not saying the ps4 won't sell pretty well, but I think that Japan has shown they aren't as "into" consoles as other countries are. Now you acting like just because it's the ps4, it will suddenly change that. Now THATS even greater logic you have there..

edit: even Sony sees Japan as the #3 market, why else would they wait until February to release it in their homeland? Consoles just aren't that huge there anymore. It's just a reality.

Consoles were very popular last gen in Japan.

PS2+GC+XB=about 28 million

PS3+Wii+360=about 24 million

The huge decline in Japan is very exaggerated and there is still cleary a market for them.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Around the Network
Zero999 said:
Justagamer said:
Zero999 said:
Xevross said:
zumnupy10 said:
KBG29 said:
PS4 is on a freaking roll. After the Japan launch we should see 250K or more every week. Looks like they will have well over 500k consoles for launch in Japan.

Will be interesting to see how things go once Live TV, VOD, PPV, and PSNow hit the US in the summer. Add on E3, Gamescom, and TGS which should be packed with game announcements, and PlayStation looks like it has a massive amount of content to push this gap even further.

I really doubt PS4 will sell more than 20K weekly in Japan. 

Even if the PS4 doesn't sell that much in Japan, sales will still rise more because right now they're saving stock for Japan launch, after it they will have more to sell WW.

they won't need much stock for japan launch.

Basically. Though it will sell several hundred thousand upon launch. But will most likely not be selling 80k per week after the launch period... 

bolded: no

U never get tired of being wrong 

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Japan realease is soon.
You won't have to wait for long to see how it's doing

Justagamer said:
small44 said:
Justagamer said:
Blood_Tears said:
Justagamer said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:

PS4 with 61% marketshare this week...without Japan

japan won't be very relevant in that percentage for more than 2 weeks.

Haha, want to bet? PS4 should sell more in its third week in Japan than WiiU WW that week, barring complete sellouts and lack of stock.

You will regret it. it may even be hard for ps4's japan 3rd week to compete with wii u's japanese sales for the same week.

Alright. Conditions?

sounds straight forward. I win if ps4 week 3 in japan < Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

you win if I win if ps4 week 3 in japan > Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

I agree with zero, the ps4 won't lght Japan on fire. The ps3 sold like 1.5 million a year there? Wow that's massive.....

So whatever happened last gen automatically locks in the trends of the new gen?    Great logic you have there..

I'm sorry if my "opinion" doesn't match up to yours! But if you look at the last gen, the wii sold pretty well and didn't set Japan on fire either. PS3 sold pretty slow too. I'm not saying the ps4 won't sell pretty well, but I think that Japan has shown they aren't as "into" consoles as other countries are. Now you acting like just because it's the ps4, it will suddenly change that. Now THATS even greater logic you have there..

edit: even Sony sees Japan as the #3 market, why else would they wait until February to release it in their homeland? Consoles just aren't that huge there anymore. It's just a reality.

Ps1 and ps2 was so popular in Japan the last generation look just like an exception i don't say ps4 will sell like ps2 in Japan but it will probably sold more then ps3.


Yeah, it certainly may out do the ps3. But the ps3 was pretty exceptional in terms of library. Sure it was expensive as hell at first, but even with a pretty low price for the last few years, it still didn't sell much. Only time will tell I suppose!

Ps4 is less expensive then ps3 and have a bigger line up  so it will sell really well for the begining and will recieve support much faster then ps3.

I think ps4 can do 15 millions in Japan it still a lot less then ps2(23 millions)

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Mr Puggsly said:
fatslob-:O said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Sony said 60% of PS4 owners have a Vita?

Assuming that's true, that's an indication most avid Sony fans are buying the PS4.

Still doesn't make your case any better. Janurary is where all the hype has died down so NPD numbers for this month still a valid evidence for his claims.

Yes, yes it does.

I'm pointing to signs that Sony fans are rushing to get the PS4.

Some people seem to believe its primarily 360 fans jumping ship. That just isn't logical.

You overestimate brand loyalty. Many SNES and PS2 fans did not think twice when swtiching over to a another console for the next gen. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

zorg1000 said:
Zero999 said:
Justagamer said:

Basically. Though it will sell several hundred thousand upon launch. But will most likely not be selling 80k per week after the launch period... 

bolded: no

U never get tired of being wrong 

so, you also think ps4 will sell several hundred thousand on japan's launch?