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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global SW & HW UP!! - Week ending Feb 8 (ADJUSTMENTS - PS4 157k, X1 54k, WiiU 36k - PS4 64% marketshare)

chocoloco said:
Well, I seem to remember a conversation with a certain user, a Canadian to not be specific that thought after the holidays the X1 would sell less than the U. I said the U would remain he lowest selling this gen console. I am pleased to say I am right so far. Anyways, it is actually worrisome how terrible the one's sales are. I hope they keep Sony competitive. The numbers right now do not make for keeping Sony at the top of their game. If they were not struggling as a company as a whole though I would worry more, but they are.

I beg to differ, I think Nintendo and ms could exit the gaming arena and so y would stay at the top of their game, at least for awhile. My reason being, they are in financial turmoil. They can't screw up right now. They will try their absolute best right now, regardless of the other two. Now when/if they come out of their terrible financial situation, is another story. That's where they would need stuff competition. But, I do agree that competition will KEEP them on their toes.

Around the Network
Lawlight said:
3DS is most likely overtracked by a lot. Just like in January.

I was wondering when you would say that, lol

Justagamer said:
chocoloco said:
Well, I seem to remember a conversation with a certain user, a Canadian to not be specific that thought after the holidays the X1 would sell less than the U. I said the U would remain he lowest selling this gen console. I am pleased to say I am right so far. Anyways, it is actually worrisome how terrible the one's sales are. I hope they keep Sony competitive. The numbers right now do not make for keeping Sony at the top of their game. If they were not struggling as a company as a whole though I would worry more, but they are.

I beg to differ, I think Nintendo and ms could exit the gaming arena and so y would stay at the top of their game, at least for awhile. My reason being, they are in financial turmoil. They can't screw up right now. They will try their absolute best right now, regardless of the other two. Now when/if they come out of their terrible financial situation, is another story. That's where they would need stuff competition. But, I do agree that competition will KEEP them on their toes.

Most of your post is what I was suggesting in my last sentence. You just elaboraed on the idea.

Ms did a great to advance online gaming last gen. Without them the online situation would not have advanced as fast for Sony. Sony was playing catch up. In a sense. this was for he betterment of many gamers. A close to monopoly by Sony would not be good for a consumer. It is more likey to stagnate new ideas in the industry.

Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:

PS4 with 61% marketshare this week...without Japan

japan won't be very relevant in that percentage for more than 2 weeks.

Haha, want to bet? PS4 should sell more in its third week in Japan than WiiU WW that week, barring complete sellouts and lack of stock.

You will regret it. it may even be hard for ps4's japan 3rd week to compete with wii u's japanese sales for the same week.

Alright. Conditions?

sounds straight forward. I win if ps4 week 3 in japan < Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

you win if I win if ps4 week 3 in japan > Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

I agree with zero, the ps4 won't lght Japan on fire. The ps3 sold like 1.5 million a year there? Wow that's massive.....

DerNebel said:
Somini said:
Seece said:

I didn't say I was worried, I'm asking why are you doing it when you must know your chances of winning are slim given your track record?

You must acknowledge that right? That every prediction you make fails?

lol Seece, you're giving him too much credit. If he had that kind of insight, he wouldn't have continuosly posted stuff that never happens!

On a side note, is VGC back to posting the numbers relatively faster? We´re not that far behind anymore like we´ve since late october :D

Maybe we should cut Zero some slack, since he's back from his ban he seems to be trying to improve his behavious so I think it's a bit unfair that people keep bagging on him (and I know i've been doing this alot as well). Let him make his prediction and time will tell if he's wrong or not, no need to make fun of him when he's trying to stay respectful.

or maybe his predictions were so off that he decided to lay low and let the heat die down. When it was clear that he was going to be wrong he didnt post as frequently. Thats not just him, alot of people dissapeared when it was crow eating time.

Around the Network
tbone51 said:
ryuzaki57 said:
So BD preorders were massively overtracked. I wonder how overtracked the sales are...

they are undertracked o.O

Are you saying the pre-orders are undertracked; or the sales are undertracked?

If the former: no, he's correct, they were overtracked.  See here.


Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (3DS)
Nintendo, Role-Playing
1 15,914 166,241

166k pre-orders -> 137k FW.  Overtracked.

If the latter:

You've been here for a while, Tbizzle.  You know VGC overtracks nearly every JRPG in NA in their first month of sales. 

Bravely Default could be the exception, but it seems unlikely at this point.  NPD will inform us!

Kresnik said:
tbone51 said:
ryuzaki57 said:
So BD preorders were massively overtracked. I wonder how overtracked the sales are...

they are undertracked o.O

Are you saying the pre-orders are undertracked; or the sales are undertracked?

If the former: no, he's correct, they were overtracked.  See here.


Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (3DS)
Nintendo, Role-Playing
1 15,914 166,241

166k pre-orders -> 137k FW.  Overtracked.

If the latter:

You've been here for a while, Tbizzle.  You know VGC overtracks nearly every JRPG in NA in their first month of sales. 

Bravely Default could be the exception, but it seems unlikely at this point.  NPD will inform us!

i was joking srry i should of made that clear! Anyway i expect BD to be like FE but to a lesser extent! (meaning hard to get first couple of weeks)

Justagamer said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:

PS4 with 61% marketshare this week...without Japan

japan won't be very relevant in that percentage for more than 2 weeks.

Haha, want to bet? PS4 should sell more in its third week in Japan than WiiU WW that week, barring complete sellouts and lack of stock.

You will regret it. it may even be hard for ps4's japan 3rd week to compete with wii u's japanese sales for the same week.

Alright. Conditions?

sounds straight forward. I win if ps4 week 3 in japan < Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

you win if I win if ps4 week 3 in japan > Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

I agree with zero, the ps4 won't lght Japan on fire. The ps3 sold like 1.5 million a year there? Wow that's massive.....

So whatever happened last gen automatically locks in the trends of the new gen?    Great logic you have there..

So much talk about the one needing help, it will do fine with its big games like halo and gears come out as well as a pricecut. Also percentage one the xbox brand generally gets a bigger boost in the holidays then the playstation brand due to NA galore.

Gears is not coming before 2016.
and no exclusive Halo until 2015

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m