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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Your reaction to the Wii U drought?

Mystro-Sama said:
Michael-5 said:
Mystro-Sama said:
Michael-5 said:

Okay well Sony's confirmed that The Last of Us 2 was in development for a while too. 


When on earth did they confirm such a thing? o.o They only said they were considering it the last time I heard.

I heard in an interview for TLoU DLC that it was already in the works. Maybe I misheard, but either way if you're going to talk about Nintendo long dev times and use Zelda then you have to mention how many devs talk about sequels being "in the works" not much after a game releases.


I think you misheard.

Zelda? What are you talking about?

You quoted me, quoting someone else, who said Nintendo announces games way early before release and he used Zelda as an example. My arguement was Zelda hasn't been announced and is no different then Uncharted (before VGA Awards in 2013) or Halo (before E3 2013). We knew they were in development, but nothing has been announced.

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d21lewis said:
Less games? More porn.

Best porn viewing device on the market if you ask me.


noname2200 said:
"Glad I still haven't bought the system."

And, "Gonna spend money on other consoles."

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

Mystro-Sama said:

Sure the direct good but I thought Nintendo had learned from last year's mistake and scheduled their games properly but I guess not. There will be no games after DK for 4 months which is just abysmal honestly.



Isn't Mario Kart in May? That's...only three and a half months...


Yeah, this is getting pretty ridiculous. I can understand to an extent a post launch drought, as any game that can be ready by launch time will be ready in order to sell the console, but having this in the second year is ridiculous. Quite glad I have a PC to go along with a Wii U.

You understand nothing, the nintendo strategy is too much complex for our simples human brains.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


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trestres said:
Many people here have a backlog, and its understandable if you don't care. Or if you have no time to play, I can understand that too, but you are the smaller percentage.

Single console owners deciding on what console to buy, DO care, hence they won't be buying a console with such horrible lack of games.

Besides people did pay big money to buy the Wii U and it's a general consensus that it should be enough with a console for your gaming needs. Those saying that you should get 2 consoles are out of their minds. Nintendo is just commiting suicide and when they are done with the Wii U, the ones affected will be us.

Sega left the console business after the DC failed badly. Image is forever destroyed.

They don't care because I think most of them are past caring. It is very insular thinking but this is natural in this circumstance. Let's look at the less selfish point of view instead of the "me me me" or "I don't care". Let's, as you pointed out, look at the desperately needed potential customers reasoning.

Most true Nintendo fans (I count myself here) will care because this isn't helping the Wii U's situation. That backlog of games so many people are proud of owning isn't doing shit for the console's sales. The console is selling like crap because not many people care about the backlog or the current library.

Nintendo has said over and over again that software sells hardware. So were is the software?? DKC:TF will not set the world alight. I do not see many Europeans buying a Wii U for it and it comes out the day PS4 launches in Japan - I think. It will be lost there in the PS4 hype like SM3DW was in Europe (mainly UK). That leaves until May for what is it's main system seller.

So, as you pointed out, while many fans don't care because they have games to play, the company suffers financially because no one is buying the console. The potential customers, who should be prioritised, do care.

BTW, I don't know what the "drought" of the PS4 has to do with this. The PS4 is new and selling like hotcakes. The Wii U is over a year old and selling like crap.

Exactly what is there to be compared? The PS4 at this moment doesn't need games to sell it. The Wii U sure as hell does.


Good. I need droughts like that to get around to playing my crazy backlog of games.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Pissed off, particularly now that they have conversion software that makes games like Wind Waker HD able to be developed in a matter of months.

They really should have had a few more classic GameCube games given the same treatment ready to release between now and June - Paper Mario TYD, F-Zero and Eternal Darkness would all have been ideal.

Not only that, but they could make this conversion software available to third parties so that they can do the same with low cost and low risk software for the Wii U.

ZyroXZ2 said:
The Nintendo Direct clearly said it was focused on games coming by the end of Spring 2014, and they showed Bayonetta 2 and 'X', soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Nintendo: "We lied, we're showing vaporware as well."

OT: "I still need Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker HD. But that MK, though!" And then I went into a deep depression because my life can only go on if Nintendo does well, and they definitely won't with a release schedule like this.

I also have a massive backlog of 2013 games, but it's bad for the console's situation. It will probably go down to 20k again globally in april.

Nintendo usually releases 3-4 big games per year, so Nintendo's offerings in 2014 are pretty normal, but the situation with 3rd party games is pretty bad.