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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official - Nintendo Direct February 13 - Focusing on WiiU and 3DS games in Spring

ZyroXZ2 said:
I like how everyone pretends I don't exist because they think I'm just trying to get them to watch my talk show, lol... I'm just as hyped as any of the rest of you :P

Maybe try doing something other than spamming about your show then?

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MDMAlliance said:
Seece said:
So they say Bayonetta is 2014 but no word on X and Smash ...

??? Did you not watch the beginning of the Direct?  They started off with Smash and said it would come out in 2014.

I saw several others say no time frame given, guess they got it wrong!


Happy with the new X and Bayonetta 2 footage. Already knew there wasn't going to be any new stuff so in the end I'm ok with this Direct. 

Nintendo and PC gamer

I didn't hype myself for this direct and I'm still thoroughly disappointed. NO RELEASE DATES AT ALL FOR WII U GAMES. And no new games announced for Wii U. Not good, I feel like Nintendo is purposely letting the system die.

Yay little mac's reveal is on now! And it links to the Wii Punch-Out!! game lol

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41 minutes of let down.

ElPresidente7 said:
Lol .. hes shooting a giant ape in the ass .. looks cool .. im sold

Haha, I had to LOL at this.

I thought X was going to be turn based, but I guess this is for the best, not a lot people left that enjoy turn based, just me.

The monster did not reacted at all, just took the beating quietly... 

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

And some said Bayonetta and X could release before Mario Kart...

Little Mac, Big Fucking YES!!!
3DS, still going. When does it end... oh its over finally, zero announcements I cared for. YAY -_-
MK8 was fucking shit, MAY30 R U KIDDING ME =(
New X was awesome to see, fighting in the mechs is badass
Bayonetta will release... in 2014 =( Still no date