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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sales prediction catalog.

People were using the name " Nintendo Revolution" in late 2006? Really? Combine that with the utterly ridiculous predictions ( I guess he thought  the 7th gen would be a repeat of the 6th gen except the 360 doing much better than the original Xbox) and we can all agree that David Mercer should start working with Pachter ( if he is still an analyst).

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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When will xbox pass wii U.




By Uabit On 29 March 2014

Do we still believe XBO can't pass Wii U 2014

That thread is mine, not uabit.  Or are you catalogging comments?


JayWood2010 said:



By Uabit On 29 March 2014

Do we still believe XBO can't pass Wii U 2014

That thread is mine, not uabit.  Or are you catalogging comments?

Thanks, Worked a long week, Dammit.

JayWood2010 said:

That thread is mine, not uabit.  Or are you catalogging comments?

Thanks, Worked a long week, Dammit.

Fixed! Thanks for the heads up. Not sure what I did there. I thought I hit the back botton to go back to the front page, must have not.

By Jaywood2010 On 29 March 2014

Do we still believe XBO can't pass Wii U 2014

Around the Network

EDITL Wrong thread


Just for a blast to the past. I will be updating the thread with new predictions at the end of the year.

I'm also changing some rules, predictions must be at least a year in or advance or close too.