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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U owners, how many 3rd party games have you bought?


How many 3rd party Wii U games have you bought?

1-2 131 47.46%
3-4 51 18.48%
5-6 18 6.52%
7-8 14 5.07%
9-10 18 6.52%
More than 10 44 15.94%

4 Retail titles, 1 Retail Download, 3 indie eShop games, and two 3rd party VC games.

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Ten. zombi u, assassins creed 3, sonic transformed, black ops2, nfsmw, lego city, rayman legends, sonic lost world, assassins creed 4 and cod ghosts.

18 games.
ubisoft everything.
EA everything except FIFA 13,
WB everything
Capcom everything
and other Indies

34 years playing games.


and deux ex human rev so suare enix everything lol

COD BLOPS2 and GHOST so activision evrything too.

34 years playing games.


flagstaad said:
game_on said:

So approximately 70% of my games is third party.

That is a great split 70-30, I would be really happy if the average reaches at least 50-50, but as you can see from the responses the reality should be around 30% third party and 70% first party, and we are not the normal gamer, we purchase way more games than the average people, those maybe buy only Nintendo Games, that is why the console is struggling to get more third party support.

So true, people should not only focus on Nintendo published games, there are a lot of good third party games out there. I'm a bit low on cash right now (just bought a house), but when the money comes back rollin' in I'll buy Super Mario 3D World, Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Watch Dogs. So I'll stick to the 70-30 split, hope it helps  

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Teriol said:

and deux ex human rev so suare enix everything lol

COD BLOPS2 and GHOST so activision evrything too.

Many may not like Activision but they haver supported the console just fine, sooo you are missing Amazing Spiderman, and Skylanders from them

Call of Duty Black Ops 2

flagstaad said:
Teriol said:

and deux ex human rev so suare enix everything lol

COD BLOPS2 and GHOST so activision evrything too.

Many may not like Activision but they haver supported the console just fine, sooo you are missing Amazing Spiderman, and Skylanders from them

you are rigth... i feel bad rigth now :(

34 years playing games.