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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata: Our next system will “absorb the Wii U architecture adequately”

KylieDog said:
daredevil.shark said:

Iwata says that the integration of the two teams can help overcome some technical difficulties. He mentioned, as an example, that it currently takes “a huge amount of effort” to port Wii games to 3DS, and 3DS titles to Wii U. “If the transition of software from platform to platform can be made simpler, this will help solve the problem of game shortages in the launch periods of new platforms,” he said.

Consoles not even designed yet, yet already planning to rehash games into ports.

Here is a better idea: Stop being so fucking cheap and hire more people to make games.

that would be fine if resources and budgets were limitless. sadly taking in count all the factors perpetual growth is not sustainable and Nintendo are aware, more than anyone els, because of the very nature of the company. at least if you want to be on the green hiring more pèople is not securing bigger quality, not even in graphics.

the myth of the free market and perpetual growth applied to videogames

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Conina said:
DerpSandwich said:
Why does everyone keep saying "tablet form factor"? A tablet can't fit in my pocket, and thus is not a handheld and won't be taken anywhere by me. I say it should basically just be a 3DS that fits into a dock for your TV, where you can then play with a gamepad.

The 2DS can't fit in my pocket, therefore it is no handheld either. ;)

You know, I think I've got to agree with you there!  Haha.  That did always bug me about it, though at least it's still small enough to carry around in a pretty small case.  But I feel like anything big enough to be considered a tablet with buttons and sticks on there too would be considerably bigger.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9

A Nintendo "tablet" could be 5.8 inches in screen size or so and still fit into your pocket.

dsp333 said:
So basically... hold off on a Wii U if you were considering it, the successor with backwards compatibility will be here in a year or two.


Exactly, don't they realize how stupid discussing a new console so soon is?

My guesses ... at least two (maybe more) hardware variants that are both reasonably cheap and use fairly powerful, yet cost efficient mobile (smartphone) components. Nintendo will be able to get a very good deal on these chips especially if they are reused for both machines (buying in bulk):

Nintendo Mini-Gaming Tablet (Fall 2015 Release):

$199.99 launch price
Quad-Core ARM CPU
Dual Core PowerVR G6430 (clocked at 500 MHz/core)
2GB RAM (1GB for OS)
Approx. 200+ GFLOP system performance
5.7 inch 1280x720 multitouch single screen w/stylus support
Can run downgraded (540p) versions of Wii U titles and upgraded, reworked (HD) versions of 3DS software
Easy to port iOS/Android apps
Mario Kart 8, DKC: TF, Monster Hunter 4G HD, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, etc. available on day 1.

Nintendo Micro-Console (late summer 2016):

$169.99 w/a Wiimote like controller.
Quad-Core ARM CPU (same as tablet only higher clocked)
Quad-Core PowerVR G6430 (full clocked at 650 MHz)
Approx 650 GFLOP system performance
4GB RAM (1GB reserved for OS)
Can run most games at 1080p (some may have to settle for 720p)
Summer 2016 release.
Same games as Nintendo tablet, unified accounts.
About the size of a deck of cards, no disc drive.

So the console is actually the cheaper version of the two, even if it has a better chip, chipset costs aren't that big of a deal (no LCD screen/battery costs allows it to be sold for cheaper).

Plus only $169.99 to get into this Nintendo ecosystem is not a bad price point at all. Keep things cheap.