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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata: Our next system will “absorb the Wii U architecture adequately”

Soundwave said:
padib said:
Yes! Nintendo, you fucking win.

This is exactly what I was saying. Now, with an integrated API and a scalable OS, Nintendo will be able to do what Google achieved with Android (multi-platform development) and apple with the iOS (again, multi-platform development), and this will begin with the WII U!!!

In other words, when the next system comes out, they will only need to make 1 game, and it will be playable on both the next system and the Wii U, alleviating from Nintendo all the stress that comes with breaking development on one platform to support the next.

Nintendo, you now win.

Sony will still sell their 100-150 million consoles. Nintendo will just better integrate their 3DS and Wii audiences into one and perhaps pick up a few more people, but the iOS/Android assualt on casuals will likely only get worse. 

What makes you think they will 100 million this gen.  Next-gen they will be the last gen for sure. 10 years technology will past consoles.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

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Soundwave said:

Basically if you want to see Nintendo's next console, it'll basically be this IMO ... something barely bigger than a deck of playing cards:

Just far better executed than Sony's attempt and using 2015-era mobile chips it'll be able to appromixate Wii U engines. The same "chipset" more or less will also be in a corresponding Nintendo portable. You can choose if you want one, the other, or both. Just like some people have an iPhone, some people have an iPad, some people have both ... but Apple sells them all the same apps. 

I don't know what Nintendo will do for their next hardware but if you believe that they will be able to produce better hardware than SONY I think you will be very disappointed.

They still know how to do great games but are far behind for the rest (hardware, Steam-ish unified account, PS+/XLiveGold services,  easy/fast/ergonomic UI, modern social integration share/pic/videos/twitch etc.)

They won't do games in the mobile marketplace. I mean they are used to sell their mario games at 50€ piece, that model doesn't work in mobile where games are cheap.

They still search for a easy Wii-type cash cow or apple-cash system. But they will fail to repeat their Wii success again (relatively, they have enough cash to sustain like 3 generation of hardware) because they don't know anymore how to do hardware.

Sony has success with the PS4 (even XB1 has some success) because of western people; they weren't afraid to nominate westerners into high positions inside the company. (Cerny lead architect of PS4, Tretton CEO of Sony US when Iwata is CEO of Nintendo US, Naughty dog and others western first parties which have full autonomy on their games etc.).

padib said:
JEMC said:
I don't know guys, I think some of you are thinking too much about it and coming to conclusions that... we'll, I find them hard to be true.

What I take from Iwata is that from now on, both the handheld and home console (and even a third device if they find the need to do it) will share the same architecture to allow for easier and faster game development. But that doesn't mean that they will have the same power.

Using their words, when they talk about both devices being like brothers, I take it that both consoles will be able to share some of its games (for example only 1 eShop or VC with all the games available for both devices), but like all brothers, each one will still have their own games that twon't be shared with the he other console.

And finally, yes, I agree with those that say that it's way too early to talk about new consoles.

So, from the talks it's pretty clear that games made by Nintendo will be available on all platforms, only with certain options enabled or disabled depending on what platform or accessory you're playing with.

I dont think thats what Iwata meant, I agree with JEMC. What Iwata said was in the context of R&D and programming. Share architecture means shared development standards (will streamline development). Because of achitecture compatibility it could perhaps mean same games, but not necessarily so.

Way WAAYY too early to be even talking about new consoles, Yeah I know they will be planning for prototyping them already BUT don't talk about them so soon.

Some of you guys seem to be downplaying the importance of home console to Nintendo way too much.

I'm not good at idioms, but what Nintendo plans on doing is the opposite of "putting all your eggs in one basket". Nintendo currently only has two platforms to rely on. The success of one can absorb the failure of another (to some extent). Making a console as a kind of accessory to the handheld would be like "putting all their eggs in one basket".

The whole point of Nintendo creating new QoL device(s) is to create a new stream of revenues (or rather, recapture what they've lost).

And the most efficient way for them to manage 3 or more platforms is to unify them. Same hardware arch, OS, R&D, dev tools, connectivity, etc., but that doesn't neccesarilly mean same the devices (form factor) or hybridizing handheld with console.

“Still, I am not sure if the form factor (the size and configuration of the hardware) will be integrated. In contrast, the number of form factors might increase. Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform.“ - Iwata

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I don't see how people are so worried about nintendo making a hybrid console when they are coming out with QOL stuff. I mean would nintendo would be able to support three systems, they barely can support 2...

padib said:
nomad said:

I dont think thats what Iwata meant, I agree with JEMC. What Iwata said was in the context of R&D and programming. Share architecture means shared development standards (will streamline development). Because of achitecture compatibility it could perhaps mean same games, but not necessarily so.

It means same games across multiple consoles, I've read the Q&A and the Corporate Strategy Meeting recap twice, I'm just too lazy right now to go dig it up again (after the hundredth time).

Well, I read the Q&A, Iwata I didn't see anyhting about same games across multiple platform. Did you post the source/qoute in this thread? If so, i'll just look for, no need to dig.

marioboy2004 said:
I don't see how people are so worried about nintendo making a hybrid console when they are coming out with QOL stuff. I mean would nintendo would be able to support three systems, they barely can support 2...

That's why they have made new building, merge R&D, and plan to unify their hardware achitecture.

I think the new Nintendo home console will be a Sega CD for the handheld.

The main console will be the handheld.

The home console will be a machine that will let you play the handheld games on a tv upscaled to 1080p and boost the power of the handheld for a few premium titles released by Nintendo every year.
By premium, I mean what 3D World is compared to 3D Land, or what the New Zelda will be compared to Link between Worlds.

DerpSandwich said:
Why does everyone keep saying "tablet form factor"? A tablet can't fit in my pocket, and thus is not a handheld and won't be taken anywhere by me. I say it should basically just be a 3DS that fits into a dock for your TV, where you can then play with a gamepad.

The 2DS can't fit in my pocket, therefore it is no handheld either. ;)