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Some of you guys seem to be downplaying the importance of home console to Nintendo way too much.

I'm not good at idioms, but what Nintendo plans on doing is the opposite of "putting all your eggs in one basket". Nintendo currently only has two platforms to rely on. The success of one can absorb the failure of another (to some extent). Making a console as a kind of accessory to the handheld would be like "putting all their eggs in one basket".

The whole point of Nintendo creating new QoL device(s) is to create a new stream of revenues (or rather, recapture what they've lost).

And the most efficient way for them to manage 3 or more platforms is to unify them. Same hardware arch, OS, R&D, dev tools, connectivity, etc., but that doesn't neccesarilly mean same the devices (form factor) or hybridizing handheld with console.

“Still, I am not sure if the form factor (the size and configuration of the hardware) will be integrated. In contrast, the number of form factors might increase. Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform.“ - Iwata