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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata: Our next system will “absorb the Wii U architecture adequately”

selnor1983 said:
Hmmm. Nintendo. You got me to buy your Wii U because of Tropical Freeze and 3dMW. But your issue is getting 3rd party support. That's why your console is struggling.

I fear concentrating on unifying handheld and console architecture is a different mistake but one that will alienate 3rd parties still. The Wii U would ave 3rd party support if it was more inline with the power of Xbox and Playstation. Then porting would be simple. But my worry here is using handheld architecture in the next console will only further increase the power gap. Making the existing problem worse.

How many handheld gamers will want to repurchase the same game on a brand new console?

Do we really need 3 (well if Steambox is successful, lets make it 4) consoles that do the exact same thing? 

I think there are plenty of people who are not willing to buy a Wii U for DKC: TF or Mario Kart 8 or Zelda U ... but they would buy those games on a Nintendo portable. 

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If executed well this could give them a strong competitive advantage. A shared platform with easy porting internally would allow them to carry the systems more or less on their own and with a few other Japanese publishers. Right now I'm imagining the 3DS and WiiU lineup being cross compatible across one ecosystem, very promising.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine

Soundwave said:
selnor1983 said:
Hmmm. Nintendo. You got me to buy your Wii U because of Tropical Freeze and 3dMW. But your issue is getting 3rd party support. That's why your console is struggling.

I fear concentrating on unifying handheld and console architecture is a different mistake but one that will alienate 3rd parties still. The Wii U would ave 3rd party support if it was more inline with the power of Xbox and Playstation. Then porting would be simple. But my worry here is using handheld architecture in the next console will only further increase the power gap. Making the existing problem worse.

How many handheld gamers will want to repurchase the same game on a brand new console?

Do we really need 3 (well if Steambox is successful, lets make it 4) consoles that do the exact same thing? 

I think there are plenty of people who are not willing to buy a Wii U for DKC: TF or Mario Kart 8 or Zelda U ... but they would buy those games on a Nintendo portable. 

I think you miss my point. Wii U is struggling because of no 3rd party support. Completely down to power. Nintendo would be selling more if its buyers were getting the Ninty first partry but also getting all the 3rd party offerings its missing as well. Thee first partied are what differentiates the console,it shouldnt be the power that dictates that.

selnor1983 said:
Soundwave said:
selnor1983 said:
Hmmm. Nintendo. You got me to buy your Wii U because of Tropical Freeze and 3dMW. But your issue is getting 3rd party support. That's why your console is struggling.

I fear concentrating on unifying handheld and console architecture is a different mistake but one that will alienate 3rd parties still. The Wii U would ave 3rd party support if it was more inline with the power of Xbox and Playstation. Then porting would be simple. But my worry here is using handheld architecture in the next console will only further increase the power gap. Making the existing problem worse.

How many handheld gamers will want to repurchase the same game on a brand new console?

Do we really need 3 (well if Steambox is successful, lets make it 4) consoles that do the exact same thing? 

I think there are plenty of people who are not willing to buy a Wii U for DKC: TF or Mario Kart 8 or Zelda U ... but they would buy those games on a Nintendo portable. 

I think you miss my point. Wii U is struggling because of no 3rd party support. Completely down to power. Nintendo would be selling more if its buyers were getting the Ninty first partry but also getting all the 3rd party offerings its missing as well. Thee first partied are what differentiates the console,it shouldnt be the power that dictates that.

Those days are just over, Nintendo is never going to make that type of console again. Part of the whole appeal of making a unified platform like this is Nintendo wouldn't neccessarily need third parties to fill out their release list any more. If third parties want to join the party at that point they can, if they don't, so be it. Nintendo has content either way. 

The Touchscreen of the 3DS has degenerated to a backlighted touchpad in most games.

In most DS games, the lower screen was the main screen with direct input. If there was a target/object/NPC shown on that touchsensitive main screen, you could directly tip on it to get a result. Investigating rooms in Ace Attorney 1 - 4 or Hotel Dusk, defending the train/boat with a cannon in Phantom Hourglass / Spirit Tracks, and so forth.

The mainscreen of every 3DS-game is the upper widescreen. You can no longer tip directly on interesting/suspicious objects in Ace Attorney 5 to get more information (or a funny response)... instead you have indirect control over a cursor on the upper main screen, which follows your gestures on the lower screen. Much less intuitive than the DS solution or touchscreen games on other mobile devices.

Both 3DS screens should have been (multi-)touchscreens!

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I don't know guys, I think some of you are thinking too much about it and coming to conclusions that... we'll, I find them hard to be true.

What I take from Iwata is that from now on, both the handheld and home console (and even a third device if they find the need to do it) will share the same architecture to allow for easier and faster game development. But that doesn't mean that they will have the same power.

Using their words, when they talk about both devices being like brothers, I take it that both consoles will be able to share some of its games (for example only 1 eShop or VC with all the games available for both devices), but like all brothers, each one will still have their own games that twon't be shared with the he other console.

And finally, yes, I agree with those that say that it's way too early to talk about new consoles.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

How does Nintendo:

- Avoid software droughts
-ensure 3rd party support
-compete graphically
-profit off multiple HW offerings


Mobile (149-199 launch) + optional home booster ($149 w/controller) solution

It makes the most sense to prioritize mobile as the primary focus, and have the luxury of a full home experience as an extension of the main platform. It allows ninty to remain in the home console game and compete graphically as well. 3rd party excuses are (pretty much) eliminated with the audience + power up to par. 3rd parties will fly back to Ninty, no invite needed. Assuming Ninty gets their online experience modernized as well, I can see this "Fusion" born on spring '16.

Why does everyone keep saying "tablet form factor"? A tablet can't fit in my pocket, and thus is not a handheld and won't be taken anywhere by me. I say it should basically just be a 3DS that fits into a dock for your TV, where you can then play with a gamepad.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9

I seriously hope nintendo is not thinking of doing anything along the lines of console handheld hybrid  or same games on every platform or whatever, I hope nintendo does non of it.

I feel like I am in the twilight zone or something why the hell would someone think that is a good idea I am truly puzzled.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

Nintendo better release their next handheld with Kid Icarus Uprising 2 that is also playable on the WiiU.