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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata: Our next system will “absorb the Wii U architecture adequately”

NintendoPie said:
Soundwave said:

See my Mario Kart 9 vs. Mario Kart 9 + 10 example. 

Hardware will be a non-issue for Nintendo in the future in the sense that lets say you only own and only want a Nintendo handheld. Won't touch a Nintendo console with 100 foot pole. You will still be able to play the same Zelda game as the "console" version, maybe just at a lower resolution.

Nintendo will make 1 Zelda game and it will work on their tablet, mini-handheld, home dock, etc. etc. (Iwata mentioned maybe even more than 2 hardware lines ... it's up to the consumer to decide). That's a huge change for Nintendo. 

Okay, when I first quoted you, you didn't say that. I see what you are saying now.

Ugh, I'm not sure how well that will work, though. Especially for some of the games that are much more HH oriented. (Like Pokemon, or Animal Crossing.)

It will work fine. If your game is good it should play on any format and play well. It's up to the consumer to decide whether they want to play a longer session game or a shorter one IMO ... games intended for home console play like Mario 64, Zelda: OoT, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid (all which I can play on my DS/3DS or Vita) play just fine and dandy. 

As long as you give the consumer the option of a sleep mode. 

I think it's like a movie ... if you movie is good it should play well on a 50 foot screen or an tiny 8 inch screen too ... it's the storytelling that matters. 

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From what i read, he is talikng about WiiU AND 3DS succesors not only 3DS that becomes a home-handheld hybrid.
Nintendo wont give up to home console market for now.

I think they will release their two new consoles at the same time by early 2017 with a strong focus on e3 and holiday boost. The handheld will be WiiU chipset sized down with minor compromises (i think they did WiiU only work at 33W for that very reason) with ONE touch 480p screen and the new home console will be WiiU chipset upgraded with more RAM or more logic in whatever section they feel like to ( i bet it will be the GPU that they will use for GPGPU computing which is the future).

Already talking about next gen when this one just started

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

chapset said:
Already talking about next gen when this one just started

This strategy will almost definitely manifest itself first with the next Nintendo handheld, which I think could very easily be a fall 2015 release. 

I don't think it's that far off at all. 

I find it interesting- and sad- that he's already coming out and talking about their next system when the Wii U is still young.

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people thinking the home console and the handheld will combine into one is ignoring what might happen if a system like that fails

Nintendo isn't stupid and it is very clear in what Iwata has said. the systems will be like brothers so how can brothers be in one body? in short there will be a handheld and a home console that will enable devs to easily port games between the two

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

padib said:
Train wreck said:
Don't see how anyone can be confident in buying a Wii U, when Nintendo is already looking forward so early. Customers may have given them the benefit of the doubt before but they are entering late 90s SEGA level marketing now.

People who want to play their games now will buy the U now. The U will also be likely 100$ when the next system comes out at 300$.

There is no confusion here. It works for Apple, I see not why it wouldn't work for Nintendo.

The PS3 retails for 250$ for 500gb after 8 years, the Wii U at 100$ whenever this new product from Nintendo comes out means that Nintendo will have incurred more and more losses as a console that price, that early, is firesale material.

No confusion?  Ill take Iwata word over yours in terms of confusion on Nintendo recent product line.

Apple (and google) are in another league when it comes to the services they offer to their respective customers.  Their consistanty and slowly adding more products/services have helped them thrieve, even when they make missteps (google with their Motorola purchase, apple with their hiccups) they go unscathed.  Nintendo has been very inconsistant and that costs them in profits and userbase.

Some of you have no clue what they are talking about. They are going to mimic apple is what they are saying. Or better yet they are working on 1 OS that will work across multiple consoles from here on out. Basically think of an iPad( but will work more like current consoles). Essentially when technology comes down in price they will be there to launch a new upgraded version. This makes the wait 6 years for a new console pattern obsolete.

Honestly I imagine they will start doing upgraded every 2 years and keep the products at the magical 199$ price point. This way, as stated before in this thread, companies or Nintendo can create the best software and if a customer wants it they don't need to buy the newest console the software will just turn features off so it's playable on older versions. Again just think iPad or iPhone.

I think it's a great idea. Now starting next gen when I buy software digitally I will be able to play it on all future systems and if I upgrade my console they could patch in newer features like Ray tracing for example and boom I have upgraded software. This is especially good for developers that can sell tech upgrades for each console. Plus have dumb down versions so they can sell across multiple systems. To the 100-150 million Sony guy. Do you feel better about yourself after that comment? Was it even necessary ? And is the ps3 at 100 million? What about the ps4?

The fact that he's already giving insight to the NEXT console is very troubling. What they would have been doing for the next console should hve been what Wii U was. This is just a reaction to Wii U less than adequate success.

Fifaguy360 said:
The fact that he's already giving insight to the NEXT console is very troubling. What they would have been doing for the next console should hve been what Wii U was. This is just a reaction to Wii U less than adequate success.

I don't really think there will be a "next console" in the way you are thinking. The "next console" is just going to be their handheld in a box ... for people who want to play the same games that will be available on Nintendo tablet/handheld on their television as well. 

Like VitaTV, only a good deal more powerful than that and having the full support of all Nintendo studios (handheld and portable teams merged).