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Some of you have no clue what they are talking about. They are going to mimic apple is what they are saying. Or better yet they are working on 1 OS that will work across multiple consoles from here on out. Basically think of an iPad( but will work more like current consoles). Essentially when technology comes down in price they will be there to launch a new upgraded version. This makes the wait 6 years for a new console pattern obsolete.

Honestly I imagine they will start doing upgraded every 2 years and keep the products at the magical 199$ price point. This way, as stated before in this thread, companies or Nintendo can create the best software and if a customer wants it they don't need to buy the newest console the software will just turn features off so it's playable on older versions. Again just think iPad or iPhone.

I think it's a great idea. Now starting next gen when I buy software digitally I will be able to play it on all future systems and if I upgrade my console they could patch in newer features like Ray tracing for example and boom I have upgraded software. This is especially good for developers that can sell tech upgrades for each console. Plus have dumb down versions so they can sell across multiple systems. To the 100-150 million Sony guy. Do you feel better about yourself after that comment? Was it even necessary ? And is the ps3 at 100 million? What about the ps4?