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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are you going to purchase Killzone 2?

Riachu said:
kingofwale said:
konnichiwa said:
@Kingofwale: "One should no longer buy a game base on hype. That's why Review sites are there for. "

Well review sites can be very biased you know =p. And look to AC.. It was hyped so much it got good reviews and what happened? Many people bought it and a LOT of them were dissapointed.

Well if Guerilla show us more footage and tell us more about the game I am sure more want this game.

I will agree that AC is overhyped, but I can't agree that it got 'good review', Gameranking has it at 81, which is barely considered a great game. For a 81% game, of course you will get people disappointed.


A game that got 'biased' review due to the hype, well, look no further than Halo 3 and SMG. ;)

 If they rate games purely based on hype, the average scores on gamerankings would be 90-95% or something like that

 Well do you serious think that the majority of gamers read all reviews or check the avarage score on gamerankings =p?

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No, I don't have a PS3 and this game has not really persuaded me to get one.

If the reviews are good, then definitely.

I will be getting the game on day 1, the game so far looks like lots of fun and the graphics and death animations are by far the best of any game we have seen.

I'm planning on getting a PS3 eventually, but Killzone 2 isn't one of the games that have got my attention. It looks like a pretty generic scifi shooter with three more pixels on the screen than the last, and the development team's resume isn't very assuring.

Resistance 2 looks like it's doing all the same things, but a lot better.

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I'll be sure to get it.... unless it turns out to be a piece of crap. (which I pray to God does not happen)

if its actually enjoyable and actually runs smoothly i'll get it for sure.
If fails i got resistence 2 as a replacement.

I'll probably get it eventually, assuming it isn't bad.  But there are at least a dozen games coming out this year that take precedence over it.

damkira said:
No, I don't have a PS3 and this game has not really persuaded me to get one.

Yes,i will get this-but MGS4 will be greater reason to get a ps3! The graphics on MGS4 will be off the chain,gameplay,and online will be awesome!! But the online portion of Killzone 2 should show its worth,whether good or bad. In game xmb,dshock 3 controller,and may all be available by the time K2 comes out and it should make a big difference.

iWillCrushAllWhoDefyMe!                                                                           PN ID- DrivenToExcell -if you want to add me to your friends list tell me where you know me from(vgchartz)

I think it will be a great game. I don't think Geurilla Games can afford another average game. This is their only series, so they have to make this game a success to keep the series alive, and their company alive.

I've heard it will run in 720p (same as resistance) and will go at 20FPS which is pretty solid. (sorry, no link). I just hope its good.

If it was basically killzone 1 with all the bugs/glitches and framerate fixed. Upgrade the graphics. And keep the great storyline, than it should be an amazing AAA easily million seller game.