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Riachu said:
kingofwale said:
konnichiwa said:
@Kingofwale: "One should no longer buy a game base on hype. That's why Review sites are there for. "

Well review sites can be very biased you know =p. And look to AC.. It was hyped so much it got good reviews and what happened? Many people bought it and a LOT of them were dissapointed.

Well if Guerilla show us more footage and tell us more about the game I am sure more want this game.

I will agree that AC is overhyped, but I can't agree that it got 'good review', Gameranking has it at 81, which is barely considered a great game. For a 81% game, of course you will get people disappointed.


A game that got 'biased' review due to the hype, well, look no further than Halo 3 and SMG. ;)

 If they rate games purely based on hype, the average scores on gamerankings would be 90-95% or something like that

 Well do you serious think that the majority of gamers read all reviews or check the avarage score on gamerankings =p?