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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will the Wii ever pass ps2 sales

If the DS can't beat it the Wii sure as hell won't.

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Lol, all this bumping will only lead to others doing the same. Alot was "suppose" to happen. Ps3 was suppose to outsell Wii, Vita was suppose to outsell 3DS. The list goes on, so I encourage you all to not continue this before this site becomes nothing but bumped threads.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if it did. However, the Wii appeals to all ages, and especially children. So, for the Wii not to sell at least close to what the PS2 did, would be shameful on Nintendo's part.

However, the argument still lies heavily in the PS2's court that it was by far, overall, the better system. Perhaps not "revolutionary" as the Wii's motion control made itself on a wide scale (because the EyeToy came first and an argument can be made for it...), but, all in all, when we look at the game library, and some of the genres and experiments that were tested on the PS2, I think the PS2 goes down as one of the greatest gaming consoles, if not THE greatest gaming console of all time.

another lol thread XD

hihihi said:
I think it may if nintendo increses the productoin rate


Wii +Balance Board= 160M

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Lol no, but it's not like PS3, 360, or any other gaming console of our generation is going to do it. PS2 was just the King of last gen and the software lineup shows that. Pretty much anyone could have owned a PS2 without people thinking "You have a kid's console" or "You have a hardcore console". PS2 was just inviting to all people and they never tried to purposely attract one kind of person. They just let the games do the talking. That's why I don't think, any console is going to do it but Wii had the best shot at one point but not anymore.

jlauro said:
Darc Requiem said:
How about we wait until the Wii has been on the market for three years before me make that assessment. I think it will surpass to the PS2 but their isn't enough data to really make that prediction at this point IMO.

 Where is the fun in predicting if we wait 3 years.  It will be more obvious then...


I think I predicted it almost a year ago...

I think it'll pass the PS1. PS2 is too optomistic, unless the Wii starts selling better soon for some random reason.


A lot of people bought PS2's as cheap DVD players back then. Don't feel bad.

Another useless necro.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Avinash_Tyagi said:
ils411 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
ils411 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Umm, NES/Famicom had a 20 year product cycle, nothing to show that Wii won't have a very long product cycle as well

 nothing to show that it will have a long product cycle either. if anything, a very fast addaption rate could lead to a shorter life cycle. we really cant say this early in its life cycle. probably in another year or two. but for now, might as well enjoy it for those who have it. i personally am saving for a ps3. nothing personal on the wii or the 360. i just love my tekken and ff. if tekken and ff would jump ship to any of the two consoles, id have no qualms in following whre these franchises go.


 Not that silly fad claim again, its following a similar trend as the DS just with higher sales

and where did i claim that the wii is a fad?  i said "could" have a shorter life cycle. i didn say it "will" have a short life cycle.  honestly, learn how to read and grasp content before shooting out crap.

 You said very fast adoption rate could lead to a shorter life cycle, that is what we call a fad (something that is wildly popular for a short while and then flares out) in fact it is the definition of a fad, so don't try and tell me that you weren't inferring that it could be a fad.  And if you actually believe for even a moment that that will happen then you are the one who is spouting crap.

wow! I dont remember posting in this thread..

anyways, looks like I wasn't the one sprouting out crap!


past me for the big Win lol!!

_crazy_man_ said:

Another useless necro.

come on, its all in good clean fun...unless of course if you're the one who's butt hurt, then its not fun.

NExt up, Resurction of "Wii will have >50% share" threads.

Followed by: Xbox360 will not fall below 2k in japan

special feature: PS3 will pass the Xbox360 years and years ago
