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Forums - Sales Discussion - iSuppli's console sales numbers and forecasts (or "WTF, is this for real?")

super_etecoon said:
brute said:
super_etecoon said:
What is most interesting about this article (I read it via Kotaku, if I remember right) is that it also includes a graph (not included in this post) that shows the projected LTD for all the consoles. Interestingly enough they believe that all consoles combined will sell fewer units than the PS2 alone. They also think that in its final year the Wii will hit 40 million....then slide down to 37 million in time for the PS3 to hit 40. How does a console unsell? Not even the Rrod 360 can unsell.

WTF are they even serious

here's the graph....and here's the link.

My god ... this is so much fun :P The best graph I had ever seen lol

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Haha this is like SDF done professionally. Both Wii and 360 have negative sells somehow. And PS3 just barely tips over Wii after Wii has negative sells.

For the current sales ,though ,they have just simply added the NPD LTD ,Media Create LTD and companies claims in Europe .

It seems people will be returning wiis and 360s in 2010-11

azrm2k said:
Haha this is like SDF done professionally. Both Wii and 360 have negative sells somehow. And PS3 just barely tips over Wii after Wii has negative sells.

They're actually worse than the SDF, at least the SDF got their past data right.


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I don't think the article is biased as such. Just wrong numbers all over the place.

He talks about a 'global install base' (ie sold thru to the customer) and then says 'while the PlayStation 3 lagged rivals with 10.3 million, up from 1.8 million per year earlier.' While some may debate that Sony has 10M sold to customers now, even most of the Sony fan boys here, would admit that the PS3 didn't have 10M installed with their customers at the end of 2007, much less than 10.3M stated.

And what is with 'per year earlier'? How many 'years' earlier does he think that the PS3 has been selling?

The graph looks like the LTD numbers were selected first, with the first two years data enter and then having a program give a 'best fit' curve. Unfortunately, no one looked at the results, or worse, understood that the downward curves for the Wii and X360 mean negative sales. To save face, if I were them, I'd predict that it means the new Wii2 and X720 comes out in 2011, with a buy-back program of old generation boxes. Thus predicting a 3 million in Wii2 sales, minimum, in 2011. Quite an amazing prediction, since predicting the year of the new boxes AND the sales program that introduces them. (PS3 sales go down in 2012 when the PS4 is released)

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

HappySqurriel said:
So, it appears that iSuppli believes that the Wii will continue to sell well until June and then stop selling all together ...

Does Crazzyman work at iSuppli by any chance?

rofl that graph is hilarious

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That is the best graph I have ever seen. I laughed so hard when I saw it. And these people claim to be "professionals".

This is fucking ridiculous. Unbelievable. Sales will go down from 40 to 37 million... These idiots are so dumb it's not even funny anymore...

Oh wait it still is funny.