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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft paying YouTubers for positive Xbox One coverage ( edited with more info )

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ioi said:
LivingMetal said:
ioi said:

Like the other guy, I think you took my post too literally. I know it is news - it is clearly news as it is on every gaming site on the net.

All I meant is that it has been going on for years in all industries and all forms of media and I'm just shocked that people seem to be so surprised by it as though it is a shocking revelation and something that is unthinkable. Half of IGNs reviews are written to keep advertisers happy and keep the ad budgets coming in - they aren't going to give a damn about morals and ethics when they have bills to pay. Same with thousands of other organisations.

My suggestion - don't take anything at face value.

I think you took my post out of context.  Of course you and all of us knew it was news.  Normally, your comment implies that it's not discussion worthy whether such action are of recent or past.  And that's a matter of opinion, and it's being discussed.  So, yes, it's "news."

I don't really understand your point.

All I meant was that I'm surprised that people seem so shocked that things like this happen. That's all. As I said, I'm aware that it is news because people are discussing it but I'm surprised that people are as it is something that should be so obvious to everyone by now.

You are taking my initial sentence too literally.

Actually the more that I think about it, what's really be discussed that so "shocking" are those who are defending the practice because of their console of choice.  Of course dodgy dealing happen all the time, and no one with any ethical sense would condone it.  But I will stress again, this is a gaming site which we who are passionate about gaming will react passionately about such news and related events.  So it's still "news" worthy which is the core of my point.

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My main problem about xbox is that it has no faithful fans to it. I'd say about 40% of the people who play xbox are kids who just wanna fap to call of duty. Another 40% to middle school kids who never shut up about HD graphics and all that, and 20% of them are actually really cool about it, and they never start fights like this.

I don't want an Xbox if its just horny 12 year olds wanting to play GTA V to go to the strip club or whatever. I don't want to sound like I'm whining or anything, but it's getting old.

qwertyDANIELqwerty said:

I don't want an Xbox if its just horny 12 year olds wanting to play GTA V to go to the strip club or whatever. I don't want to sound like I'm whining or anything, but it's getting old.

Get an Xbox and buy Fable 2, we both go have an orgy somewhere private >=]

Wright said:
qwertyDANIELqwerty said:

I don't want an Xbox if its just horny 12 year olds wanting to play GTA V to go to the strip club or whatever. I don't want to sound like I'm whining or anything, but it's getting old.

Get an Xbox and buy Fable 2, we both go have an orgy somewhere private >=]

2 things i have to say

1. I have an origional xbox, the 360 sucks though

2. What the hell is wrong with you....?

qwertyDANIELqwerty said:
Wright said:
qwertyDANIELqwerty said:

I don't want an Xbox if its just horny 12 year olds wanting to play GTA V to go to the strip club or whatever. I don't want to sound like I'm whining or anything, but it's getting old.

Get an Xbox and buy Fable 2, we both go have an orgy somewhere private >=]

2 things i have to say

1. I have an origional xbox, the 360 sucks though

2. What the hell is wrong with you....?

There something wrong with me? :)

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ioi said:
LivingMetal said:

But I will stress again, this is a gaming site which we who are passionate about gaming will react passionately about such news and related events.  So it's still "news" worthy which is the core of my point.

I think you are still missing my point but we are not getting anywhere with this and I'm a busy man!

Well, take care. No harm intented.

GribbleGrunger said:
Acevil said:

It actually has started, a lot of youtubers are pointing out how this destroys the integrity of youtubers. (Again this is more about youtubers lack of integrity than it is really microsoft). 

So instead of blaiming a company that is doing something illegal and underhand, you are pushing the onus onto Youtubers themselves. MS are and always have been an immoral company. This is why they are disliked by many people.


I need a "like" button. LIKED!

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

NYANKS said:
selnor1983 said:
FlamingWeazel said:
selnor1983 said:
FlamingWeazel said:

Did you read the article? These arrangements are supposed to be transparent, you are not allowed to keep the advertisement a secret, thus the "Being investigated for FTC regulations" It is not the same as what others do. Still waiting for the other cases where this has happened........

Theres nothing secret about it!


Obviously never even read the article, participants are NOT ALLOWED to say they were a part of a pormotion, which breaks FTC regulations.........MS already are blaming machima for it so they know it is wrong.

Oops. Sorry I didnt realise there was info edited. LOL.

The article says Machina wrote the E-mail. How is it saying is Microsofts fault? I doubt with all its lawyers and its years of experience with Advertising that MS would make such a BIG mistake.

I find it funny peoploe twisting this onto Microsoft when the E-mail never came from them. Typical..

EDIT: Machina got caughht out last E3 with something else in the same way. So twice its Machinima, but becaue its Xbox this time its somehow Microsoft being ilegal? Machinima will get done for it if anyone. Microsoft made no such NDA.

The tthread title should be changed to be in line with the article.

Do you think Machinima decided to advertise for Microsoft out of the goodness of their hearts?

No. But achinima has admitted to making the E-mail. MS had nothing to do with that E-mail. And in Macinimas defence its worded about the Monetary value not the promotion itself. So As Microsoft andMacinima point out. Its not illegal it turns out. Nothing will come of this smart marketing.

selnor1983 said:
NYANKS said:
selnor1983 said:
FlamingWeazel said:
selnor1983 said:
FlamingWeazel said:

Did you read the article? These arrangements are supposed to be transparent, you are not allowed to keep the advertisement a secret, thus the "Being investigated for FTC regulations" It is not the same as what others do. Still waiting for the other cases where this has happened........

Theres nothing secret about it!


Obviously never even read the article, participants are NOT ALLOWED to say they were a part of a pormotion, which breaks FTC regulations.........MS already are blaming machima for it so they know it is wrong.

Oops. Sorry I didnt realise there was info edited. LOL.

The article says Machina wrote the E-mail. How is it saying is Microsofts fault? I doubt with all its lawyers and its years of experience with Advertising that MS would make such a BIG mistake.

I find it funny peoploe twisting this onto Microsoft when the E-mail never came from them. Typical..

EDIT: Machina got caughht out last E3 with something else in the same way. So twice its Machinima, but becaue its Xbox this time its somehow Microsoft being ilegal? Machinima will get done for it if anyone. Microsoft made no such NDA.

The tthread title should be changed to be in line with the article.

Do you think Machinima decided to advertise for Microsoft out of the goodness of their hearts?

No. But achinima has admitted to making the E-mail. MS had nothing to do with that E-mail. And in Macinimas defence its worded about the Monetary value not the promotion itself. So As Microsoft andMacinima point out. Its not illegal it turns out. Nothing will come of this smart marketing.

You will believe everything they said?

RawrJa said:
selnor1983 said:
NYANKS said:
selnor1983 said:
FlamingWeazel said:
selnor1983 said:
FlamingWeazel said:

Did you read the article? These arrangements are supposed to be transparent, you are not allowed to keep the advertisement a secret, thus the "Being investigated for FTC regulations" It is not the same as what others do. Still waiting for the other cases where this has happened........

Theres nothing secret about it!


Obviously never even read the article, participants are NOT ALLOWED to say they were a part of a pormotion, which breaks FTC regulations.........MS already are blaming machima for it so they know it is wrong.

Oops. Sorry I didnt realise there was info edited. LOL.

The article says Machina wrote the E-mail. How is it saying is Microsofts fault? I doubt with all its lawyers and its years of experience with Advertising that MS would make such a BIG mistake.

I find it funny peoploe twisting this onto Microsoft when the E-mail never came from them. Typical..

EDIT: Machina got caughht out last E3 with something else in the same way. So twice its Machinima, but becaue its Xbox this time its somehow Microsoft being ilegal? Machinima will get done for it if anyone. Microsoft made no such NDA.

The tthread title should be changed to be in line with the article.

Do you think Machinima decided to advertise for Microsoft out of the goodness of their hearts?

No. But achinima has admitted to making the E-mail. MS had nothing to do with that E-mail. And in Macinimas defence its worded about the Monetary value not the promotion itself. So As Microsoft andMacinima point out. Its not illegal it turns out. Nothing will come of this smart marketing.

You will believe everything they said?

We will se. Especially now its been pointed out in another thread that Sony, Samsung and Ea do it with the same wording.